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Setting window size for new diagrams Thread Tools Search this Thread Display Modes
I'm using OG Pro 5.0.1. I can't for the life of me change the default window size for a new diagram. I saw this thread, but that doesn't seem to be my issue. No matter what I do as far as saving documents or templates, I always get new diagram windows the same size and place, and not where I want them. Any help appreciated.
Make a new template (File-> New Resource), change the window size and position as desired, save, and set that as your default.

Hope that helps,
"Vroom! Vroom!!"
Originally Posted by Joel View Post
Make a new template (File-> New Resource), change the window size and position as desired, save, and set that as your default.

Hope that helps,
It only seems to work if I change both the size and the location. If I change the location, it fails.

I'm doing this: open the Template Chooser, choose "Edit Template", move window, do a save as under a new name, reopen the Template Chooser, set my new template as default, quit, restart, cmd-n. My window is still in the original place.
The .gtemplate file format strips out the window location (this is intentional as we want new documents to cascade as opposed to stack on top of each other).

However, if you're so inclined, you can make a new .graffle document, save it in the position you want, rename it to have a .gtemplate file extension and put it in Application Support with your other templates and that should work.
"Vroom! Vroom!!"
Originally Posted by Joel View Post
The .gtemplate file format strips out the window location (this is intentional as we want new documents to cascade as opposed to stack on top of each other).

However, if you're so inclined, you can make a new .graffle document, save it in the position you want, rename it to have a .gtemplate file extension and put it in Application Support with your other templates and that should work.
It doesn't seem like a great interface if creating a new template has a different behavior than editing an existing one. But maybe I don't understand what you're saying.
It's not creating a new template per se, as much as it is that you can "fake" a .gtemplate file by changing the file extension of a .graffle file (which will keep its window size and position saved) simply by changing the file extension.

There isn't very much terribly different between the two file formats, however when exporting as a template or creating one from scratch, OmniGraffle will strip out the window position information as it's bad form to have your new documents always in the same spot, according to Apple's Human Interface Guidelines.
"Vroom! Vroom!!"

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