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How do I edit a project to put it in a Project Folder? Thread Tools Search this Thread Display Modes
I can't seem to figure this out. I have a Project for each of my classes, because most of my classes give me assignments in advance and I use OF for iPhone to manage them. I don't have a Mac yet so I can't use the computer to do it and I don't want to have to start a new project in the School project folder and then add all of my assignments to the new one... There are quite a lot... so how can I edit each project to enter them into the School folder?

This is on 1.0.3... I don't know if it's possible or more obvious in 1.1, etc. because it isn't on the App Store yet... but someone please help me out here. Thanks :)
Go to the top-level Projects list (or the folder that is the parent of the projects that you want to move, if they are already in a folder).

Tap the "Edit" button at the top-right of the screen.

Tap a project that you want to move. The editing controls for that project will be displayed.

Tap the "Move" button at the bottom-right of the screen. This button does not have a label - it is an icon of a folder with an arrow on it, and it is only displayed there in certain situations, like this one.

That will show you a list of folders - tap the desired folder, and the project will be moved there.
Ah, thank you!

1.1 is great by the way! It runs quite a bit faster and I can't wait to have a Mac for it to sync with.
This information should go into -> settings -> online help -> projects area, please. Luckily, I searched before posting, but this info is why I registered for the forum.

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