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Views based on context should respect the inbox Thread Tools Search this Thread Display Modes
I work in a busy office and we often have tons of things piling up in our OmniFocus inbox that we haven't had a chance to assign to any projects or contexts yet. However, we DO assign due dates to those items immediately, because we have an idea of when they need to be completed by.

However, any views in OmniFocus that are based on context (such as clicking on the default "Due" button in the toolbar or the "Contexts" button in the toolbar) completely ignore any items that are sitting in the inbox.

However, on the other hand, any views that are based on project (such as clicking on the "Flagged" button or the "Projects" button) actually DO respect the inbox.

This is throwing us off tremendously.

I know that IN AN IDEAL WORLD, we would move everything out of the inbox and have it neatly categorized & organized.

But until we live in that utopian world, we have a lot of items piling up in our inbox, and it would be really great if ALL of OmniFocus "respected the inbox"... it would be great if no matter what view we're looking at, we could see items that are sitting in our inbox.

I believe this is planned for the much anticipated v1.8, hopefully coming soon.


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