using OF 1.8 sneaky peek (v77.61 r137137).
Suppose I have a project set up as follows:
[PROJ] Show
**• Audio+Light
****• order @call, start=15.11.10
****• fetch
**• Stage
****• order @call, start=20.11.10
****• fetch
Now when I am in Context view, remaining, on 17.11., I see only a line
**• order | Show | …
Is there a way to show the parent item hierarchy of the "order" item, so that I know at a glance that it is the "Audio+Light" I am to order, not the "Stage" or something completely different I need to order for my Show project?
I have turned on "Show full hierarchy" in Preferences and "View > Show parent items in context mode" in the menu. But the parent item is not shown.
What view settings do I have to set that I can see also in Context mode, which ancestor items a shown entry (like "order" in my example) is also available as info?
Thanks, Christian
using OF 1.8 sneaky peek (v77.61 r137137).
Suppose I have a project set up as follows:
[PROJ] Show
**• Audio+Light
****• order @call, start=15.11.10
****• fetch
**• Stage
****• order @call, start=20.11.10
****• fetch
Now when I am in Context view, remaining, on 17.11., I see only a line
**• order | Show | …
Is there a way to show the parent item hierarchy of the "order" item, so that I know at a glance that it is the "Audio+Light" I am to order, not the "Stage" or something completely different I need to order for my Show project?
I have turned on "Show full hierarchy" in Preferences and "View > Show parent items in context mode" in the menu. But the parent item is not shown.
What view settings do I have to set that I can see also in Context mode, which ancestor items a shown entry (like "order" in my example) is also available as info?
Thanks, Christian