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Show parent items in Context mode Thread Tools Search this Thread Display Modes

using OF 1.8 sneaky peek (v77.61 r137137).

Suppose I have a project set up as follows:

[PROJ] Show
**• Audio+Light
****• order @call, start=15.11.10
****• fetch
**• Stage
****• order @call, start=20.11.10
****• fetch

Now when I am in Context view, remaining, on 17.11., I see only a line

**• order | Show | …

Is there a way to show the parent item hierarchy of the "order" item, so that I know at a glance that it is the "Audio+Light" I am to order, not the "Stage" or something completely different I need to order for my Show project?

I have turned on "Show full hierarchy" in Preferences and "View > Show parent items in context mode" in the menu. But the parent item is not shown.

What view settings do I have to set that I can see also in Context mode, which ancestor items a shown entry (like "order" in my example) is also available as info?

Thanks, Christian
Christian, checking the Full Hierarchy box at the bottom of the General pane of Preferences should do what you're looking for.

If you're not seeing that happen, can you email the support ninjas so we can investigate this with you? Sorry for the trouble this is causing!
A misunderstanding :-)

The feature you name does indeed show the parent folder hierarchy (if there are any) of the project the task displayed is in. What I am after is the full hierarchy of the outline (steps) within the one project the task is in, starting at the parent project project. These levels (below project hierarchy level) are not included in the full hierarchy display.

Should they be displayed as well by the option?

Of course, these intermediate hierarchy items might be longer (namewise) and showing them in a column may result in a crowded view. So is there another way to see at a glance the ancestor path (breadcrumbs) within its project of a displayed task in context view? The only way I have found so far is to select the task I want to know the ancestor hierarchy of, then choose "Show in planning mode", where I see it in context of the project's task outline view.

Thanks, Christian
The items between a project and an action in the hierarchy are called "action groups". Action groups are currently not visible in context mode. Use Help → Send Feedback to submit a feature request to get it added to the development database. (See this sticky thread at the top of the forum for details.)

In the meantime, another way to see the hierarchy without leaving context mode is to double click the handle dot next to the action. This will open a new window in planning mode, focused on the project. You can check on the project structure, then close with window, without disturbing your context mode view.

Thanks Curt for the tip (essentially it's "Show in planning mode", just better, i.e. in a new window) - didn't know that!

My apologies for not using correct nomenclature and thanks for setting me straight. For a product like OF this indeed is essential (and I should know, being a developer myself...). Promising to read up on correct terms for all the things and trying to get it right next time... :-)

Continuing to getting to grips with OF and (finally) puttig it to actual good use.

No apology necessary on nomenclature. I just like to keep the standard terms out there so people can more readily search the forums for help.


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