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How to show "parent" tasks [A: Data pane of OF preferences in v1.9 or later.] Thread Tools Search this Thread Display Modes
I've set up a project like this:
TASK: "username 1"
SUBTASK "get software"
TASK: "username 2
SUBTASK "get software"

All are in the Context "Online" and the parent tasks are Sequential

When viewing my Online contect is see this:

get software
get software

Is there a way to show the parent task of each? As it is now my context view has a list of 20 "get software" entries but I don't know which person, the parent task, each one is for.

Maybe my method is all wrong.

I'd like to see this feature, too.
First, make sure you've got version 1.9 of OmniFocus for Mac installed. ("Check for Updates" under the OmniFocus menu will grab it for you if you're running an earlier version of the app).

Once you've got version 1.9 (or later) installed, open the "Data" pane of OmniFocus' preferences, then check the "In Context Mode: Show Projects and Action Groups" box.

When actions are sorted by project, parent items follow their children (which is the natural order for completing them).

Single Action Lists are not actionable, and do not appear in Context lists.

Groups are also considered actionable. They can block other actions in a sequence, and are eligible to become the first "next action" for a project.

Projects and groups are blocked by their children, so if you're viewing Available actions in a context or due list they won't appear until all their children are complete...
Note that we also have a feature request open on including the titles of action groups in the "Project" cell of context mode views. If that's what you're looking for here, email the support ninjas and ask to be added to that request in our development database. All other things being equal, the most popular requests will tend to get assigned higher priority.

(In the short term, yes, we'd consider it best practice to make your action names uniquely identifiable...)
How about making the tooltip display the action group if you're hovering over the project name? Right now, it displays the project name, which is a bit redundant. (And it appears to only display it if you have the show full hierarchy option ticked — is that intentional?)

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