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Creating Stencils from png images Thread Tools Search this Thread Display Modes

I have a couple of images that I use regularly and I thought about putting a stencil together.

Know, here is the issue I'd like to solve: the images represent non-square objects, meaning, there is transparent pixels in the corners for example. The original files are either png or adobe illustrator.

In both cases, if I draw a line from one object to another, the line will always stop at the invisible square around the object. How do I get the line to go up to the actual image? Is there a special image format which will allow for this after importing in omnigraffle?

Attached a screenshot of the issue and one example with “native” omnigraffle icons, where the issue isn't happening (electrical component).

Attached Thumbnails
Click image for larger version

Name:	Screen Shot 2014-04-23 at 12.04.42 .png
Views:	2963
Size:	143.6 KB
ID:	2994   Click image for larger version

Name:	Screen Shot 2014-04-23 at 12.07.53 .png
Views:	2868
Size:	23.8 KB
ID:	2995  
The default behavior for lines and objects is for a line drawn to an object to connect to the center of the object. Subsequently the line will be invisible inside the object. Unfortunately OG considers its bounding box to be the boundary of an image regardless of transparency. The schematic symbols in the other example are vector objects, so that doesn't apply.

There are two ways around this:

Hold down the option key when drawing the line. Then it won't connect to the object and it will show through transparent areas in the image.

If you need the line to be connected in the interior of the image's bounding box add a magnet to the image object with the magnet tool and connect to it. Transparency in the image will now act as you'd expect.
Originally Posted by john.gersh View Post
If you need the line to be connected in the interior of the image's bounding box add a magnet to the image object with the magnet tool and connect to it. Transparency in the image will now act as you'd expect.
That's exactly what I was looking for. I didn't realize that magnet let lines behave differently than objects. Thanks!

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