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I put this on the Omni blog, but's it probably more appropriate to put it here:

One of the main features of the Desktop Pro version is that it exports to Visio format. Does the 1/4 priced iPad version also create Visio formatted documents?

If not, then the portable business sketching model becomes $250 + iPad + Mac. My reality is that sketches eventually have to make their way back into my PC work environment and thus into Visio. Not being able to get back to Visio means that the sketches I draw on my iPad still have to be translated by hand - just like my napkin drawings.

The port looks great though. Good work.
Thanks for the kind words, blewis! Duping my response to the blog comment here: for the time being, OmniGraffle for iPad doesn't have support for importing or exporting Visio files at all. Due to the time constraints, it simply didn't make the cut for the initial launch.

We do want to add the ability to import Visio documents at the very least. We have a feature request for this in the tracking database - email the support ninjas, and they can vote that request up on your behalf

Support for exporting to the Visio format is going to be contingent on how efficiently we can import Visio files, but if we can make it work, we'd like to get it in there.
Hi. Am I correct that Visio import/export in OG iPad is not available yet? Any progress in this regard?
I too am awaiting viso support for import and export before purchase. Export is needed more than import because I must send any flowcharts to those with PCs at work for final edits who use Visio. Without them able to import into Visio I would have to recreate it in Visio myself after making it on the iPad.
Visio support is one of the things we're looking into, but the task is far from trivial and we can't predict when/if we'll be able to get it in there. We know how important this is to the folks that need it - if it ever looks like it's impossible to pull off, we'll make sure folks know; it doesn't do us any good to keep you waiting for a feature we can't deliver.

Barring some announcement like that, though, you can assume that we're looking at ways to get it in there but don't have anything specific we can say yet. Hope this helps!
Fair enough. I hope some news of one sort or another arrives soon. Having Visio import/export capability in OG would be an incredibly productive step forward in my Windows-based working environment.
Import is far less important than export in my opinion. I start diagrams on the road and need to refine at work. I wouldn't shed a tear if those diagrams never saw the iPad again. I'm sure that others might work differently as well but at least for one of us it swings that way.
Just a suggestion. As a stopgap why not create a mac app that allows iPad users to export to Visio? You have the code for that already :)

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