Is support for the upcoming (currently available as a preview) Visio 2013 file formats on the roadmap, for both Mac and iPad editions?
Information via HTTP here: (I'm new to the forums so can't post a URI directly yet...)
I use OmniGraffle in a largely Windows-centric office and need to be able to move documents back and forth. It's already not a seamless process, but I can make do most of the time. I imagine that once we adopt Visio 2013 internally it's going to get tough again...
Thanks in advance!
Information via HTTP here: (I'm new to the forums so can't post a URI directly yet...)
I use OmniGraffle in a largely Windows-centric office and need to be able to move documents back and forth. It's already not a seamless process, but I can make do most of the time. I imagine that once we adopt Visio 2013 internally it's going to get tough again...
Thanks in advance!