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I sent an email this morning to about a discount I on OmniOutliner 3 for people who'd purchased OF, which I recently did. I could have sworn I'd seen the offer in the Omni Store, but I can't find it and I have yet to hear from sales. Does anyone know if this offer is still active, and if so where I can find it?
As far as I know, the only discount went the other way around - folks that purchased OmniOutliner Pro to use Kinkless GTD got (possibly still get) a break on OmniFocus.
Yeah, they got back to me this afternoon with that information. Now I'm trying to decided if I want to shell out for Pro or if I can get by with basic...
I'm in the same boat. I recently bought OF and love it. But I now use OO for project support and some of my more complicated lists. OF works perfectly as a task tracking program. I'm just not sure I need the extra feature in Pro.

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