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Bought OmniGraffle Standard on Mac App Store - Need Pro! [Apple'll help: see thread.] Thread Tools Search this Thread Display Modes
Dear Omni,

I got OmniGraffle 5.2.4 (v138.17.3) via appStore. It was a bad move, I understood it now, as I would like to move to Pro version I am struggling to get the updated license. I could not find a a straightforward to do so.

How could I do the movement?

Looking forward to your answer.

Bernardo van de Schepop
Welcome to the forums, Bernardo! I'll be happy to help, but unfortunately the Mac App Store doesn't have any support for upgrading from Standard to Professional.

The best thing to do here is going to be to contact Apple and let them know that you bought the wrong product; other customers that have accidentally purchased the wrong product have gotten a refund. Once that happens, you can purchase Professional. They've been very helpful with other customers that have had this happen.

If you contact Apple and describe what happened, they should be able to take care of this. To do so, point your browser at this page on Apple's site, then click on "Account and Billing" in the left-hand sidebar.

If you do have any trouble getting this taken care of though Apple, or if there is anything more we can help with on our end, please email our sales folks and we'll see what we can do. Sorry again for the confusion!
Edited thread title to make more search friendly.
The MacApp Store does support in App Purchase, you really should be able to upgrade from Standard to Pro in the AppStore, it would a good improvement.
Originally Posted by jcmb View Post
The MacApp Store does support in App Purchase, you really should be able to upgrade from Standard to Pro in the AppStore, it would a good improvement.
This is something we're considering, but is only an option for apps that require OS 10.7 - since OmniGraffle 5 runs on 10.6, adding in-app purchases means leaving those customers behind.

We don't want to do that; maybe in some future version, but not in OmniGraffle 5.
@Brian Is the 10.7 requirement something that can (or will) be reconsidered now that 10.8 is out? My assumption here is that 10.6 is already a small portion of the install base and that usage should start sinking even more quickly now that Mountain Lion is out.

I'm thinking of purchasing OmniGraffle and can't justify buying Pro now but perhaps I may upgrade in the future. I highly prefer to buy from the Mac App Store when possible.
Rickvug, it's possible that we'd do something like that, but I'm not on that team, so I can't speak as to their specific plans for OmniGraffle.

I can say that, barring an important bug fix that requires it, we try really hard not to change OS requirements in a minor or bugfix release. (We're more comfortable doing so when transitioning from one major version to another.) For example, until our 10.8-compatibility release, OmniFocus still ran just fine on OS 10.4 or 10.5.

We did up OmniFocus' minimum requirement with that release, but only to 10.6.8.

(Out of general interest, I checked the info on - it looks like 28% of OmniGraffle customers are still on 10.6 at the moment.)
@Brian Thank you for the reply and statistics. I'm surprised that 28% of OmniGraffle users are still on Snow Leopard. I really hope that number starts to decrease more quickly now.

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