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filenames for aliases and/or linked files Thread Tools Search this Thread Display Modes
i searched the forums and didn't find a satisfying answer to my question. what i want is that omnifocus includes the filename when i create an alias or embed a file in the notes of an action item.
there has to be a way for this. if not consider this as a feature request.
That is not a way to do this currently. Use Help --> Send Feedback to submit your feature request.

I agree, I would rather not have the icon show up. I'd rather have the filename appear like a hyperlink. I have submitted Feedback as well but wanted michel1984 to know there more than one who wants this.
Originally Posted by gcrump View Post
I agree, I would rather not have the icon show up. I'd rather have the filename appear like a hyperlink.
How would you trigger Quick Look on attachments displayed only as a hyperlink without an icon? Or do you not use Quick Look?

Don't get me wrong; I'd really like to see filenames on attachments too. I already sent in feedback months ago. But I also don't want Omni Group to replace the current icons with just a hyperlinked filename. In my opinion, that would be a step backward unless there was also some way to trigger Quick Look on them.

In fact, if I had a choice between (1) icons with no filename that are Quick Look-able and (2) conventional hyperlinked filenames with no Quick Look support, I'd definitely choose option (1).

Originally Posted by Toadling View Post
How would you trigger Quick Look on attachments displayed only as a hyperlink without an icon? Or do you not use Quick Look?
One way to handle this would be with a Quick Look button, similar to how Mail allows you to Quick Look attachments from an email's header.
Originally Posted by Toadling View Post
How would you trigger Quick Look on attachments displayed only as a hyperlink without an icon? Or do you not use Quick Look?

Ironically I never thought of using them for quick look. I was think of a preference option, display as Icon or hyperlink.

For those wanting something close to a hyperlink option with the help of iNik I coupled together these two scripts that you can put in automator. That way you can right click on the file and get the URL of it.

The first one just pastes the URL into the clipboard and then you can paste into the note. The second brings up the quick entry window and puts it into the note for you.

on run {input, parameters}
	tell application "Finder" to set the clipboard to (URL of (selection as alias) as string)
	get (the clipboard)
	return input
end run
on run {input, parameters}
	tell application "OmniFocus" to tell quick entry of default document
		set xTask to ""
		tell application "Finder"
			set xFileURL to (URL of (selection as alias) as string)
			set xFileName to (name of (selection as alias) as string)
		end tell
		make new inbox task with properties {name:xFileName}
		set xTask to result
		tell note of xTask
			make new paragraph at end of paragraphs with data "    " & (xFileName) & ":  " & (xFileURL)
		end tell
	end tell
	return input
end run
While these won't open the file they will at least bring you to them, then you can open them or quicklook them.

Originally Posted by michel1984 View Post
i searched the forums and didn't find a satisfying answer to my question. what i want is that omnifocus includes the filename when i create an alias or embed a file in the notes of an action item.
there has to be a way for this. if not consider this as a feature request.
I dont understand the answers to this questions. Is it possible by now, to show the filenames of linked/embeddes files? Thank you for feedback!

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