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default canvas size, and/or font size Thread Tools Search this Thread Display Modes

I have started using OmniGraffle, primarily for brainstorming, in conjunction with OmniFocus for GTD and Outliner for project planning. I have been using the Circles template, along with the helpful auto arrangers, as a mind map.

However, the default canvas size is quite small for spreading trees of items, which are also very large and by default at size 18. How can I set the default for size and font when I create a new document?
The Circles template *should* be set to automatically adjust the canvas size as your diagram spreads out -- Is that not happening on your end?
"Vroom! Vroom!!"
So it does, when I get it big enough. I had filled up a blank template and it hadn't expanded, but I hadn't gone all the way with circles yet. So thats great.

My question about setting the fonts still holds, the upper level font size is pretty large, and if I have a central item which requires a lengthier description, the text quickly gets split up on different lines, and then exceeds the circle's limits. Is there a way to adjust this?
You can create a new Diagram Style based on the Circles style, set the font size as desired, and then make a new template using that Diagram Style.

It's a multiple step process, in order it would go as follows:

1. File Menu -> New Resource -> New Diagram Style
2. Select "Circles" from the following window
3. Select all, change the font size
4. Save
5. File Menu -> New Resource -> New Template
6. Choose "Circles"
7. Format Menu -> Choose Diagram Style
8. Choose your newly saved Diagram Style, press Apply
9. Save the Template, and set it as your default in the Template Chooser if wanted

Hope that helps,
"Vroom! Vroom!!"

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