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[sp4] Memory leak?? Thread Tools Search this Thread Display Modes
OK, I have no hard evidence for that, but I'm seriously starting to suspect that OW is responsible for the accumulation of swap files on my boot volume. The applciation itself is not using so much memory, but if I keep it open in the background, after a day or so I accumulate more swap files than my drive can handle.
Without OW active: no swap file problem.
Any suggestion as to how I could investigate that better??

Is it similar at all to my posts here: ?
Originally Posted by Forrest
Is it similar at all to my posts here: ?

Wellllll, in some respect, it could be related. If the Mac is running out of memory and creating swap files by the dozen, OW will be slower - so will all apps on your Mac.
A Sample of OW shouldn't tell much though.
You can try this in the Finder: use command-shift-g to get to /var/vm/ and check out how many swap files you have in there (and how big they are).
My G5 currently only has 2 64MB files right now (but I have 2GB of RAM and I did not keep OW running at all times on this machine lately),

I have one, 64MB swap file. OW did crash earlier today, but my system has been up for five days.

PM G5 2.7, 4.5GB RAM, 10.4.6, 77GB+ free on boot drive.

When I experience slowdowns, it's just OW. Although it does go up and over 100% CPU usage, the rest of the system remains responsive.
My god, the advantage of having 4.5GB of RAM - I regularly have 1GB worth of swap files and in more unfortunate times that grows to 2GB!

Originally Posted by JKT
My god, the advantage of having 4.5GB of RAM - I regularly have 1GB worth of swap files and in more unfortunate times that grows to 2GB!

FWIW, I've been unable to fill all the RAM. I can work on some very high-res and complex photoshop files, and I've only been able to get 3.5GB out of free or inactive. I'm running CS2.

I leave all my applications open for weeks at a time. (Photoshop, InDesign, Illustrator, Acrobat, Word, Excel, OmniGraffle, four browsers, QT, chat & messaging software,, iCal, Freehand, BBEdit... and then a ton of little apps...) I typically only restart to install OS updates.

That all said I still don't fully understand memory usage. I only have that one, 64MB swap file but Activity monitor shows kernel_task using 1.8GB, Photoshop using 1.3GB...
I don't claim to understand the memory figures either, but I believe that it is only the Real Memory figure that counts toward the amount of RAM you use. Even so 1.8GB+1.3GB still doesn't get close to being 4.5GB ;)

If you are never using all your RAM, then you will not get any paging out to the hard drive and therefore you won't get very many virtual memory swap files. I regularly use all my RAM (e.g. if I run OmniWeb 5.1.x for any length of time, Dashboard, and NeoOffice which are all RAM hungry I often get quite a lot of paging over time) which is why I often get at least 1GB worth of swap files. I need more RAM basically, but those 1GB chips are expensive.
I get this impression, too. I think it happens after I view certain pages with particularly intricate scripts. After visiting some of these pages, OW slows down to a crawl. Restarting it usually fixes the problem.

I think the OG people should not be as tolerant of leaks as George W Bush.

Sorry, but you saw that one coming, didn't you? :)
Not that this is recent, but I thought I should let you know that we did find and fix one leak in sp6 that was leaking memory on every page load.

Of course, that was when we introduced the crasher that caused us to release sp7 right away. :eek:
Originally Posted by Len Case
Not that this is recent, but I thought I should let you know that we did find and fix one leak in sp6 that was leaking memory on every page load.
Was the leak also present in previous SPs?? That would have explained the zillion of swap files on my drive.

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