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Memory Leak Thread Tools Search this Thread Display Modes
I think there's a memory leak in v607... right now I only have 2 tabs open and it's using 133MB. A couple of days ago my computer was acting really slow, and OmniWeb was using over 700MB of RAM! :eek:

I'm going to keep an eye on it from now on...
200 Mo for me with 3 tabs. Sometimes, the percentage of use of the processor is nearly 60% whereas all the tabs are already charged.
With 10 tabs open to various common sites for me, it's using about 185MB, so I don't think there's any reason why it would have needed 700MB the other day. I'm going to leave it open for a few days and see what happens...
Do you have any free or inactive RAM? Keep in mind OS X doesn't reclaim used RAM unless it needs it. OW is currently has 542MB allocated to it, but I have 1.7GB free and 1.1GB inactive.
But it still isn't good if virtual mem is going into really big sizes. Or do I misunderstand sth here, and some garbage collection will free up that mem after some time?
Yes, you're correct... it did give a bunch back when I needed RAM for another program, but the point was that it was hogging system resources enough to make the computer almost non-responsive - that shouldn't happen. But since I don't know for sure that that was the reason for the slow-down, I'm keeping an eye on it. Maybe it was just a fluke...

Anyone know at what point RAM becomes inactive? Even when I'm using programs that hog all my RAM, it still says I have 200-300 MB inactive. Why won't it take that back when I need it?

Speaking of large VM (zottel), OmniWeb is using 662MB VM, and another program is using 798MB VM. Those seem pretty large. But not nearly so much when I see that my dashboard widgets (some) are using 300MB VM! And a simple html editor is using 814MB VM!

Sometimes I really don't understand OSX's memory management...
I noticed this same thing just recently, OW was using over 600MB of ram which if you ask me is quite a a lot of memory to use. Doesn't omnigroup use their own tool they designed to detect memory leaks here if they do does that tool not work at all?
It would be interesting to see what was causing the slowdown. I've see one, known, issue where OW will hog the CPU. OW does slow way down, along with the rest of the system when there isn't much free HD space.
Originally Posted by xbandaidx
I noticed this same thing just recently, OW was using over 600MB of ram which if you ask me is quite a a lot of memory to use. Doesn't omnigroup use their own tool they designed to detect memory leaks here if they do does that tool not work at all?
We do have our own tool--and my testing hasn't found leaks. If you open a bunch of windows, close them and flush your cache, nearly all the memory is reclaimed--we just seem to be a hog when you are actually using the browser. :rolleyes:

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