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Project perspective with selected contexts Thread Tools Search this Thread Display Modes
Is it possible to have a perspective that shows flagged actions only from certain contexts, but where I see a list of all of my projects list on the left on the window instead of a list of contexts? I know how to do this if I want a list of contexts on the left, but not how to do it if I want a list of all of my projects on the left.


No. The context selection is lost once you switch to project view where you would need to be to view the list of projects in the sidebar.

The only way I know to get around this is to search for a specific context in project view and have the status filter set to flagged. This would give you a list of flagged tasks with the term from you search. In my experience this is unreliable as I sometimes have titles or notes which contain the same word I use as a context.

You can save this search configuration as a custom perspective if I works in you scenario.
Thanks for the information. That's what I was afraid of. I wonder if OF 2 will allow this flexibility?
Not that I can tell. The functionality seems similar through the new sidebar tabs, but I have not tested throughly as I have become more and more disappointed with the direction Omni is taking the software.

The announced release of OF2 should be in June. If you do not have access to the test builds and unable to test the current iterations of the software; I would expect a trial version to be available at the time of the new release.
They just opened up the public testing for OF2. Thought you might want to know.

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