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Please submit bug reports and feature requests via email! Thread Tools Search this Thread Display Modes
We appreciate the feedback that we're getting from everyone, but we wanted to ask a favor.

Feel free to discuss things you'd like to see in OmniFocus, problems you're having, and so forth here on the forums, but myself and the other Support Ninjas would really appreciate it if everyone tried extra-hard to send feedback to us via email.

We do what we can to make sure that we get feedback into the system regardless of where it comes from; when we're as busy as we are right now, though, it's very easy for one of those requests to get lost in the shuffle here on the boards.

If you use the Send Feedback item under the Help menu, or send it to us at, it goes straight into our trouble-tracking system, and I can guarantee that the appropriate folks will read it.

We'll handle your feedback in whatever form you send it to us, but here are some guidelines on how folks can make things easier on us:
  • Tell us what version of the OS you have installed. It never hurts to have that info, and some bugs only happen on particular versions of the OS.
  • One issue per email helps us get things into the bug database more easily. That way, we don't have to edit the email as we attach it to multiple items in the bug database. If you have five requests, send five emails.
  • Please include your feedback in the email, not an attached document. That way, we don't have to hunt down a copy of Word or Excel, copy out of that, and then copy out of your email to get everything into the database.

Last edited by Brian; 2008-01-10 at 12:37 PM..
Just a nte to the Ninja plea. It would have been handy to have the email posted.
Originally Posted by ethan
Just a nte to the Ninja plea. It would have been handy to have the email posted.
You need to use the Send Feedback menu item within OmniFocus. Then the subject line includes information about the build that you're running.

It's worth pointing out... this is true for every OmniGroup application - use Help>Send Feedback first, then post in the forum second.
Do you want us to use Send Feedback for feature suggestions as well as bugs or just bugs?
Send feedback is best, because sometimes it's helpful to have the version number on feature requests too. For example, if you're running version 123 and we add your feature in version 124 and then read your email, we'll wonder whether you didn't find the feature, or are really asking for something else. But if we know that you're running that older version, we can let you know that grabbing the software update will probably make you happy.

The forum is primarily to let you all talk to each other. There's no guarantee that anyone from Omni will read a particular thread. So if you want to discuss and develop a feature idea with other users, go right ahead and chatter away on the forums. But if you want to make sure we hear your idea, send feedback.
Originally Posted by Brian View Post
We appreciate the feedback that we're getting from everyone, but we wanted to ask a favor.

If you send it to us in email, though, it goes straight into our trouble-tracking system, and I can guarantee that the appropriate folks will read it.
Today at 2:55 PM PDT I sent a note complaining about seeing times when I only want to see dates. At 3:06 PM PDT I get an update with it fixed. Don't you think this is carrying "Do it Now" to its extremes? ;-)

Nice job.

(I'm sure I couldn't have been the first to report it.)
I've been using the full yay-it's-been-released version of omnifocus for about a month now. And I use 3X5 index cards to keep track of things when I'm wandering about without my laptop (the so-called hPDA). I like the fact that when you hit print from omnifocus it prints whatever the current list is. However, I'd love to see some more configurable print options. I had no problem changing the paper size to 3X5, but the text by default shrank with the paper size. When I upped the scale to 200% (which seemed to be the only customizable option), the columns didn't resize. So, because I have start and due date displayed on my screen (even though, in the case of the list I printed this morning, those columns are blank) it "printed" blank space for those columns. I would like the option not to print blank columns. Also, because of that, I have my "action" field wrapping 7 lines long on the card, even though the right hand side of the card is completely blank. It's a waste of paper, even of little cards.

So, I'd love to see customizable print fields. And generally more control over printing. If this is to be useful for tracking items on the go as well as at my computer (and alas, I don't have an Iphone!), I need to be able to print with more precision.

Thank you!

Here is the information from the omnifocus build:
Product: OmniFocus-1.5
Tag: OmniFocus/1.5/rc2-v77.13.2
Date: 2008-10-27 12:46:39 -0700
Builder: kc
Revision: 106199

And I am running OSX 10.5.5
You can create another perspective for printing which doesn't show the unwanted columns, adjusts the width of the desired columns, etc. See the Page Setup and Printing help page for the details.
Current MailTags enables one to assign OmniFocus-defined Projects to emails and create action items in OmniFocus. It would be very helpful to be able to similarly create keywords in MailTags that were the same as Contexts defined in OmniFocus, so that in creating action items, one could set both the project and context while in Mail.

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