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Export custom reports to PDF in AppleScript? Thread Tools Search this Thread Display Modes
I'm trying to export my OmniPlan project into many separate PDFs that are filtered by the following criteria: Resourse, Starting Date, and Ending Date.

I tried the following in AppleScript:

tell application "OmniPlan"
	using terms from application "OmniPlan"
		set SDate to date "Monday, October 1, 2007 12:00:0 AM"
		set EDate to date "Friday, November 9, 2007 12:00:0 AM"
		set mPlatt to "Mike Platteter"
		export front document to "Users:~:Documents:W:W Project:W Project Milestone 4 Mike.pdf" as "PDF" using template "" with properties string resource = mPlatt
	end using terms from
end tell
(where "~" is my home folder...)
but with no luck.

If I just use:

tell application "OmniPlan"
	using terms from application "OmniPlan"
		export front document to "Users:~:Documents:W:W Project:W Project Milestone 4 Mike.pdf" as "PDF"
	end using terms from
end tell
then in exports the entire OmniPlan document as the named PDF. But I'm trying to access the filtering options in the Export Dialog for something similar to the attached.

I'm a newbie to AppleScript...

Attached Thumbnails
Click image for larger version

Name:	OmniPlanExport.gif
Views:	2276
Size:	12.3 KB
ID:	350  
Sorry, you can't do filtering via AppleScript at this point. (I'll file a feature request for you.) The only properties that work are the ones in the Export Settings.

diagram type -- Export to Graffle diagram type.
iCal todo -- Export to iCal as to-do items instead of calendar events.
include task groups -- Include task groups in CSV export.
show all rows -- Expand all groups for the export.
views to include -- Which views to export (outline, gantt, or both)
Originally Posted by Lizard View Post
Sorry, you can't do filtering via AppleScript at this point. (I'll file a feature request for you.) The only properties that work are the ones in the Export Settings.
Add another vote for being able to filter via applescript. I suppose I might be able to have UI controls do it for me, but that's obviously rather brittle (will break the next time you guys change the dialog).

I need to rather frequently pull out a report of tasks which are scheduled to start on any date up to the end of next week, and which did not complete as of the start of last week (ie, everything worked on in the past week, plus everything scheduled to start in the next week). I can do this manually, and thought maybe the "with properties" parameter to "export" might somehow give the possibility to do this via Applescript, but I hadn't been able to find any documentation or example using that parameter of the command.
Any progress on being able to filter via Applescript. I see a request was put in back in 2007, but I can't seem to find it if it is available.


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