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MS Project add-in bug? [Resolved!] Thread Tools Search this Thread Display Modes
I bought OmniPlan for iPad v2, with MS Project add-in (in-app purchase). All the project files I'm getting from various people in the company are in MS Project format. My problem is this: If a project's tasks have been collapsed when the file is sent to me, all I get when I open the file on my iPad is a single task, not a collapsed outline, which can be expanded (see screenshot 1). This then forces me to open the MS Project file in OmniPlan on my Mac, save it in oplx format, then sync it back to the iPad (see screenshot 2) , which defeats the whole purpose of having a MS Project add-in on the iPad!

The second question is when support for MS Project 2013 is going to be available, as I cannot ask each person that sends me a project plan to format it in MS Project 2010 format.
Attached Thumbnails
Click image for larger version

Name:	OmniPlan iPad 1.PNG
Views:	1894
Size:	122.9 KB
ID:	2950   Click image for larger version

Name:	OmniPlan iPad 3.jpg
Views:	1901
Size:	161.2 KB
ID:	2953  

Last edited by Ken Case; 2013-11-26 at 09:07 PM.. Reason: Updated thread title
Happy to report that the support ninjas resolved my problem. Now I can open MS Project files from email into OmniPlan on my iPad with no issues whatsoever.

I'm a happy camper now!! My faith in Omni products (I bought ALL of them, including OmniGraphSketcher) has been restored.

Waiting for the MS Project 2013 compatibility update.........
Can you share the answer? This has been a problem for me, as well.

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