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How does the OF licensing work? Thread Tools Search this Thread Display Modes
The actual license from a current OmniFocus disk image reads:

The license permits either (a) multiple users to install and use the Software on a single machine; or (b) a single user to install and use the Software on multiple machines. However, a single license does not allow multiple users to ever use Software on multiple machines, regardless of whether such use is concurrent, except in the case of Family Pack licensing.
So, you can run it on multiple machines so that you can sync between them, but no one else is allowed to use it, if you have a single license.
Originally Posted by dwayneneckles View Post
I could be wrong, so just kindly clarify.

You said that I can only have omnifocus running once on two computers
Lets say I want to sync my work computer with the omnifocus on my personal computer, via network.
I always get the error msg that the other omnifocus needs to be open before I can sync it but if you said that I can only have omnifocus running once on two computers... then that is impossible right?
In order to cover situations like this, a 1-seat license for OmniFocus will actually allow 2 copies to run at the same time. If 3 or more Macs on your network are using the same license code, they will start complaining at that point. (If this causes problems, call or email and we can help.)
I have a follow-up question on this old thread. I purchased OmniFocus from the Apple app store, a PC license and an iPad license. I want to install it on a second computer, which I understand is legit as long as it's for me, it asks for a license.

1. When I look at the receipt from the itunes store it doesn't list a license.

2. When I submit my info to Omnifocus to retrieve a license it says there is no record of one (since I purchased through the app store evidently).

3. When I go to Omnifocus on the app store on the second computer there is no option to install, it wants to make me purchase again.

4. When I look at OmnoFocus on the laptop it's license on, I can't even find a place in the program to see the license key (which to my knowledge I've never received).

Quite a quandary. Advice?
Originally Posted by David_Haddad View Post
3. When I go to Omnifocus on the app store on the second computer there is no option to install, it wants to make me purchase again.
Try going to the Purchases tab in the Mac App Store, and make sure you've signed into the same Apple ID as you used to purchase the app. From the Purchases tab, you should be able to install the app.

Apple has a support article that covers this process in more detail:
Mac App Store: Finding your purchased apps
Hope this helps!
Perfect, thank you. Most apps just allow me to reinstall right from the app store (I think), so I had not tried that.

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