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How to prioritize today's tasks? Thread Tools Search this Thread Display Modes
Originally Posted by rogbar View Post
One thing you could do - although its kludgy - is to enter different times of day in the Due Date column (1am, 2am, 3am, etc) and sort by time.
That's a nifty way of doing it. I have been using times for the two or three years to indicate home or work. 6PM-8AM means home stuff, 8A-6P means work kind of like a second context I guess.

Originally Posted by rogbar View Post

OR ... export just today's tasks to OmniOutliner, make each Task a separate Item in the outline, and then drag and drop them into whatever order you like.
I didn't know you could do that, I don't use OmniOutliner, but that is good to know for possible future use.
Originally Posted by danvtim View Post
Sorting the projects is prioritizing the actions. That is how I do at least.

I have three basic folders which are today, this week, and someday/maybe. At the end of each day, I move projects between the today and this week folders. I then sort the projects, a.k.a. prioritize them, and either work down the project actions or in context mode. It's very easy to get a nice small list of next actions by context this way. It's also the easiest way to focus in on just today's tasks.

BTW, the today folder is in the This Week folder. So, I can see just today's stuff or everything for the week. I made corresponding perspectives for this was well.

I also use start a due dates, but if you use them all the time, just like flags, you spend a lot of time changes dates to hide things and flags to filter. I found just creating a folder called Today and working in there allowed me to both prioritize and to focus in on specific projects.

Thanks for sharing, I do something similar with a folder called "Big Rocks" for projects that should be done this week. I have 52 folders for each week of the year though and put projects in that way. Then I can move them forward easier. The other projects I put back in their category folders of work, home etc and put them on hold if they are past this year likely that I will work on them.

I also run a few AppleScripts with QuicKeys at the end of the day that forwards actions to the day I plan to work on them again so I don't have to see them until then.
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