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Frequent crashes in test builds starting with r200159 [fixed in r200449] Thread Tools Search this Thread Display Modes
From the other thread, it sounds like everyone is having much better luck with r200449—yes?
No, r200449 crashes at startup, too. As already mentioned, I currently havent't got a single version that I can use, all that are visible in the download area crash immediately.
Correcting myself, I had been referring to the previous version, r200449 works for me. Thank you!
Another update after half a day: 3 more crashes though the app is in principle usable. However google mail does not work - when clicking on an entry, it displays "loading" indefinitely and never loads a mail.
I’m having good luck with the latest build, 200517. No crashes on my favorite sites, embedded videos play with no problems. GMail has glitches but you can lessen them considerably by switching to Basic HTML mode. Google has changed the site to allow automatic opening of images so perhaps some special attention is needed there. Still no plugins. I’m making OW my default browser in order to give this build a thorough run through. Thanks as always to Ken!
I’ve found that flushing your cache each time you upgrade your test build increases stability. Doing it now and then for no reason isn’t a bad idea either. That said I’ve rarely seen a test build that doesn’t crash at least occasionally.

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