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Possible to Import Anything? Thread Tools Search this Thread Display Modes
Hello All,

I've done searches, but I don't see where OO accepts much of anything for import. I saw some mentions of Keynote importing, but after trying one with no results I came here.

For the people who've used this program a while, are there any options I'm not seeing?
You can simply drag a file (such as a jpeg, pdf, sound or video film, Pages doc, Numbers spreadsheet, etc.) into the outline.

In some cases it will act as an alias, in others, it will copy the contents directly into the outline.
Originally Posted by rogbar View Post
In some cases it will act as an alias, in others, it will copy the contents directly into the outline.
Which file types have you been successful with when copying directly into the outline?
I guess what I'm trying to get at is taking text from another source and importing into OO.

Something akin to importing a keynote, or pages document and having indents based on either headings, or with pages, indents based on a pages outline.

Does anyone know if there's a workaround to accomplish this? Applescript?
If you drag a Pages or Numbers file into an outline, you'll get a dialog box asking if you want to copy the file or create an alias. In either case, you'll simply get a link on one line of the outline to the original document. It doesn't copy the contents and paste them into the outline as if they were created in the outline.
RTF and plain text are the only things that can be imported and you just simply open the file. To get outline structure the text needs to be tab indented. Each tab at the start of a line will correspond to an outline level. Tabs within a line will start a new column.

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