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iCal Syncing --New Calendar? Shared Context? Thread Tools Search this Thread Display Modes
Is it possible for OmniFocus to sync with an iCal Calendar other than "Home" or "Work"? I've creating an iCal Calendar named "OmniFocus" but it doesn't appear in the iCal Preference settings in OmniFocus.

Also, can a context be shared between iCal Calendars? For instance, can the context "phone" appear in both "Home" and "Work" (or an additional calendar per above) since I have both personal and business calls to make.

Yes, it should work with all of your calendars. Have you tried restarting OmniFocus since creating that new calendar? I don't use the iCal sync feature, but when I go to the preferences for it, I do see my many calendars.

It's strictly a one-to-one mapping between context and calendar.
And it's worth checking this thread for additional syncing information...

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