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Sorry there hasn't been any news on this. We do greatly appreciate everyone's interest in this app. We have been strongly considering developing OmniOutliner for the iPhone and we may very well do so in the future. However, right now we are making OmniOutliner 4 our priority.

Part of the reason for this is that we feel we need to know more about what features people would be looking for out of OmniOutliner for the iPhone. Due to the limitations of the iPhone hardware and software, not everything will be possible. Here's some specific questions that have come up in our discussions:

1) Do you need multiple columns of data, column types, or the column summary options?

2) Do you need formatting support? Or just plain text like OmniFocus for the iPhone.

3) Do you need attachment support?

4) Should it be a viewer only, or have editing capabilities? If just a viewer only, how well does the Quick Look preview/DHTML export meet your needs? (Viewing the export on the iPhone that is)

5) What kind of syncing expectations do you have? This would be one big reason why OmniOutliner 4 needs to be developed first as OO3 is not designed for merging synced changes.

If you have any other specific expectations for the app, please let us know too. Thanks for your feedback and support!

Last edited by DerekM; 2010-02-05 at 01:12 PM..
I use OmniOutliner for home and work. Here are my thoughts:

#1 - While 1 column "could" suffice, I'd strongly prefer the iPhone and desktop to be identical in structure -- thus, yes to multiple columuns. Maybe cap it at 5 if needed.
#2 - Absolutely yes to formating (I'd like it on Omnifocus too:)
#3 - Attachment support not needed for me
#4 - I would like it to be fully editable. A non-editable list is not very useful. Maybe a non-editable version could be created quickly while you're working on OO4. It would be better than nothing for the short term.
#5 - Sync-able with my desktop unit is a must

As for OO4 I'd like to add syncing, "tabs" (like Excel or Safari), and time numbering/calc.

Unique tabs (documents) in one master document -- with the ability to start numbering at 1 for each document OR continue from the document before.

I would also very much like to add "time" and "time calc" columns for for making timed meeting agendas, events, and lists - 5 min 8:30a - Open; 10 min 8:35a - Presentation 1; 60 min 8:45a - Presentation 2; 9:45a - End Time. To be able to have a dynamic outliner that can handle time well -- assigning a start time with time for each element, then being able to dynamically rearrange the outline and have the times automatically adjust correctly would be INCREDIBLE! Even Excel has a hard time doing this well without complicated formula. As a leader of several meetings and events, this function would be huge for me!!!

Last edited by wpitman; 2009-01-01 at 11:24 AM..
As much as I'm looking forward to OO for the iPhone, I am delighted to read your priority is OO 4. I am very eager to have it. Is there a beta program we can sign up for?
I would like to see a fully functional version of OO for the iPhone complete with all the formatting and column options present in the full version. But, I can appreciate the limitations of the iPhone platform and would be satisfied if OO4 were to be introduced with a limited iPhone "extension" functionally.
One of the great features of the iPhone component of OmniFocus is being able to capture items which need to be acted on, whenever the thought arises, by reaching into your pocket and tapping in enough to act as a placeholder. Later, on the computer, the spelling can be fixed, contexts and due dates assigned, etc. Having the complete "open loop" collection in your pocket for reference is also invaluable.
Being able to have the same tool available for brainstorming and making initial outlines when the thought occurs would really extend the usefulness of the full version of OO. So with these principles in mind I will address your points;

1. I do not need column support. Simply being able to capture and display a simple representation of an OO document would be better than having no iPhone support.

2. The iPhone view of the outline could easily be in plain text or with a default formatting structure. I would still be free to format the document to my hearts content on the computer but the "syncable" component of the outline could be generic.

3. Attachment support would be nice but size limitations and file types virtually make this impossible. Simply showing the name and type of the attached file would serve to remind me what was in the master outline. That said, being able to use the iPhone to attach pictures and sound (like iPhone OF) would be a desired exception and must be in any OO iPhone component.

4. The iPhone extension must have a limited editing capacity which could be as simple as adding a new row and moving rows around, which would suffice for starting a new outline and adding new thoughts to an existing one.

5. The syncing does not have to be as elaborate as it is in the iPhone OF product. Even a manually initiated transfer of data would suffice.

I feel strongly that OO4 would become a much more widely used app if it had a component which could integrate with the iPhone. The iPhone is a device which is replacing the laptop computer in some functions, I am even going on some short business trips with it as my only computing device, as are many of my colleagues. An outlining tool will emerge as a standard on these mobile devices, I am hoping it will be my favorite, OO.

I'd be happy with 3 or 4 columns, although I could live with one. Attachments would be nice, even with limitations. formatting isn't important to me. Synching is very important. Being able to add or delete items and edit is important. But as for functions, the basic outliner is all I need. for anything else there is Omni Focus.
I realize others may have different needs (like some people may depend on columns, etc), so just speaking for myself:
1. No.
2. No.
3. No.
4. Yes. Not very useful otherwise.
5. Syncing wired/wireless to the computer would be OK. Over the web to an account (like CarbonFin Outliner) would be better.

I've been using CarbonFin Outliner and have been very happy with it. Most of my outlines are simple lists, so it meets my needs.
I just spent sometime going through my OO files and I see that one column would be all I need for anything I would want to synch to my iphone. I also have CarbonFin, but I don't like having to export files in OPML, then logging in, then uploading. Too many steps, and if I make changes, then I have to go through the whole process again to be up to date.

A simple outliner / check list is really all I need.
1) all my outlines use multicolumn and about half use summaries

2) all of my outlines are use basic with the occasional alternate color for clarity

3) yes

4) at least checkbox editing, but being able to add to a list or correct typos, too, Yes.

5) with cloud computing syncing is essential
here's what i want from omnioutliner for i phone/itouch....
the ability to display/read a subset of omnioutliner files, let's call it "m."
the ability of oop3 to save and convert most files to the m mobile format as special web page apps deal with mobile devices.
the ability of the iphone/ipod app to read rtf files.
perhaps omni could also supply a secure server service so that when we synch our iphones to apple for app updates, our prized data is not automatically uploaded to apple co.
short of that, encryption would be sweet
My two cents:
1: Ok column support. Ordering by columns is enough for me.
2: No formatting support
3: Yes attachment support (considering the size limitations)
4: Editing capabilities, also basic. A simple viewer while you develop the product would be great!
5: Sync as OF does, with the same options.

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