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non-hierarchical Diagrams Thread Tools Search this Thread Display Modes

I am in the process of evaluating OmniGraffle /-pro.

I am quite frustrated in creating a diagram for my PHD-thesis:

It syeems not to be possible to create diagram items, linked to each other BUT not in a hierarchical connection. Is it really not possible to link to boxes WITHOUT them being Parent-Child?
What do I want to do:

To create a diagram of a company Siemens:

Top-level: Siemens & Halske -- Siemens-Schuckertwerke (both on the same level, NOT in hierarchical relationship. There is NO further Parent-entity/Box/above-level (I know that there are "partner-nodes"; but this seems not to work here)

next level: Three daughter companies, simultaniously owned/controlled by BOTH the top-level firms.



The answer to your question is "Yes." It's easy to draw things without Parent-Child relationships. Graffle is very adaptable and freeform.

You'd have to provide more information on what you're doing in Graffle. I don't need to do anything special NOT to have Parent-Child relationships. In fact, I need to specify them if that's what I want.

I'm guessing, and it's only a guess, that you may have something like "Auto lay out diagram" activated (see the Outline/Canvases window). If you have this checked on, and depending on the specific diagram style chosen, then you may have a sitatuation in which Parent-Child relationships are forced. Just uncheck this option and move things around if you want.

If that's not the issue, a little more info or even a picture of your graffle work may help us see the exact nature of the problem.

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