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Clip from Outlook 2011 Thread Tools Search this Thread Display Modes
I have recently purchased office 2011 for the MAC and Outlook works really well, but I want to keep using OMNI-FOCUS as I have an iPhone and iPad. I would like to find out if there is a way to clip emails from outlook and put them into OmniFocus.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

One of our esteemed forum members put together a handy script that can be found here:
Originally Posted by MutantSquid View Post
Thanks, but I already had that set for Entourage, but for some reason, Mail always opens the message.

EDIT: the file embeded in OmniFocus from the script is an .EML so I just changed the system prefs to have entourage always open them.
Hi there,

I have Outlook 2011 and am trying to set it as the default when I double click as well, but it's still opening Mail because I don't know how to do the "script" part you mention. Could you provide a step-by-step guide to a newbie on how to get this done? Outlook 2011 is already set as default mail client in Mail application. Thanks!
Many thanks for this I will give it a go!
Prominence, I think you want the information in another thread. Responding here, then moving your post and mine to the thread with the info you're looking for. Hope this helps!

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