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Is there a web-based or online Omnifocus edition? Thread Tools Search this Thread Display Modes
I own and use Omnifocus for Mac, iPad and iPhone, but I would really love an online app that I can use from my PC at work. If this were available, I would be in GTD heaven. Is this in the works? If so, will we see it any time soon?

Last edited by jameswattjr; 2011-03-23 at 05:54 PM.. Reason: Misspelled word
I too have to use a PC at work. Although I love using Omnifocus on my iPad and iPhone, having it online to use would be fantastic. I am sure there are thousands that would agree.
I'm on the same boat with PC use at work.

That would be a killer feature, I'm not yet using Omnifocus but Things, but I'm reading Creating Flow with Omnifocus before jumping aboard the ship
I worry about the times when I may not have 3G coverage and thus no access to the internet. Then I'll be screwed since I won't be able to access my OmniFocus database.

On the rare occasion that I get an ISP outage, I'm also screwed. I tend to like to keep my OmniFocus database on my iPad and thus have easy access. But it would be nice to be able to access my data when my iPad isn't handy.

I would have to guess that there will be a monthly or yearly subscription plan to subscribe to this service.

IIRC this is the business model that Google wants to get into - cloud apps. I believe that Microsoft is entertaining the idea of creating a cloud version of Microsoft Office as well.

Maybe this idea of cloud computing will really take off when broadband internet becomes as commonplace as FM radios.
This is something we've thought about but with so many other projects on our plate, we can't promise when or if we'd do something like this.

That said, it always helps when interested parties email the support ninjas and let them know about their desire to see stuff like this happen. That helps us in our effort to direct the resources we do have in the directions that make the greatest number of customers happy at any given time. ;-)
This is a huge gap for me, too. Used OF for Mac and iPhone heavily at home and liked it. And being locked to the PC and Outlook at work I still quite long tried to keep OF as THE task management system to avoid the extra pain of switching between different systems.
I finally realized how counter-productive it was to manually type work tasks into the phone (no keyboard there, you know ...). I then tried using two different systems. Not good at all.
Now I am sitting on a web-based solution with an iPhone app syncing to it. The desktop interface is similarly ugly and inconvenient both at home and work but then again I can manage my tasks the same way not depending on my location. Somehow this feels good for the brain. Still miss Omnifocus though.
tarmo, why not use the facility to put stuff into your OmniFocus setup from your PC (or anywhere that you have the ability to send email)? If the issue is just that you don't like typing in actions on the iPhone, this should let you get away from some of that pain.
Thank you whpalmer4. is a nice solution indeed. I did use it a few times and it worked well. But for me the issue is more about planning, organizing and reviewing rather than getting an occasional task into my inbox. The iPhone is not quite enough here (I really tried it for some time), the horsepower of a desktop is much preferred.
Another vote for a Web platform, that would be a necessity for me as i am using PC at work.
I was a straight Mac system user, so OF on mac, and iPhone was great. As I now am on a windows (groupwise) system at work, I've had to turn to my iPad OF as a solution, although definitely not the easiest.

I email tasks from my work inbox to my mail at home with Apple Mail and OF running on my iMac. The rules add each specific mail as tasks in my inbox. I've tried the 'send to OmniFocus' link, but it doesn't work that well for me, due to some configuration on our office mail server, which scrambles the link.

I tried using Nirvana, which looks great and showed some promise, but I just found I missed the power of OF and the great syncing across the platforms.

An OF web-interface, which would sync with the other platforms would be amazing. I also tried Nozbe to see if it could deliver, but I just found the interface difficult to work with. I even tried Spootnik, linking through Basecamp, but again just not that functional for me.

My final hope is either an OF for windows (which I doubt will ever happen - thankfully) or a web interface that can sync with the OF database.

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