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Show only flagged tasks (not unflagged tasks in flagged projects) Thread Tools Search this Thread Display Modes
Can anyone tell me if there's a way to display only flagged tasks, hiding all unflagged tasks even if they're in flagged projects? Maybe an AppleScript or something? Thanks!
It looks like if you install Rob's Where in OF script that the following search will find all of the actions which have their own flags set and whose parents are not flagged:

tasks where (flagged is true) and (its parent task is not missing value) and (flagged of its parent task is not true)

Be warned, this will not identify tasks that you have explicitly flagged and then have also flagged the parent (or a parent of the parent).

Last edited by whpalmer4; 2012-07-17 at 10:28 AM.. Reason: Update link
Cool, thanks, I'll try it!
Well, I thought I'd try it, but the link seems to be broken. I may already have the script somewhere....
looks like the capital "I" in the link is causing the problem - links are case-sensitive. I'll edit the post to fix the link.
Thanks Brian, I've typed that URL so many times that I figured I couldn't possibly screw it up :-)

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