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Best Journal App? Thread Tools Search this Thread Display Modes
Can anyone recommend a journal app for iPhone/iPad that I could use as a travel journal for a trip to Europe? I need to be able to easily enter text, photos and audio files, with each entry to be automatically tagged with date, time, and GPS location. Cloud sync to a website somewhere would be nice, but it has to be fully functional in off-line mode since I won't have much data access in Europe. Finally, I need to be able to easily export the results to some other format so that my journal entries don't get locked into a single app.

Hi Stargazer,

I haven't personally used any travel journal apps... But I will also be visiting Europe this year, and using the iPad to make a vacation log sounds like a fun idea.

First, a little bit of self-promotion: you might be able to use OmniFocus for iPad / iPhone / Mac to achieve your goal.
  • Create a folder structure for your trip, each day, country, etc...
  • Then a project for each adventure.
  • Add an action for each memory you wanted to capture, then type Notes, take pictures, or record audio within that Action. The date and time it was created is stored.
  • When you assign a Context to that Action, you can create a new one on the fly. Set its location to "Current Location" (using GPS), or go back and set it to an address/coordinate later.
  • Once you get to a WiFi spot, OmniFocus has syncing built in - you could store it all on MobileMe, Omni Sync Server (beta), or any compatible WebDAV server.
  • On your Mac, sync OmniFocus and you have all of your trip details handy. You could export the vacation folder to a simple HTML page. If you wanted to do a more complex scrapbook or presentation, you might be able to use a CSV export or do some copying and pasting.

If the OmniFocus route doesn't work for you, try a search for travel log or something similar. I came across this one: GPS Log (for iPhone and iPad, universal):

I'm sure there are more out there, and hopefully somebody on these forums has some experience with them. Hope this helps!

Joel R
Software Test Pilot
The Omni Group

PS, I did see this app on the Mac app store (I know you're looking for iPhone/iPad, but FYI): Knapsack for Mac
Check out MacJournal. A very nicely-designed app, especially appropriate for blogging.
I tried MacJournal, but find it quite cold. Plus, there's always the risk of accidentally pressing a button and posting your private thoughts to your public blog.

Take a look at Day One. There's a Mac and a universal iOS version. It syncs, it doesn't have blogging features (for that, I think MarsEdit is probably the best) and, perhaps most importantly, it has a nice. comfy feel to it without looking like a 12 year old girl's diary.
Momento is my favorite journal app at the moment. It's unique in that it fetches posts you've made to other services such as twitter, Facebook, instagram and Flickr. What I love about this is that I can look back on a day when I didn't
explicitly make a journal entry but may have tweeted something and still have some record of my experiences.

Additionally, it's beautiful, intuitive and lightning fast. It can tag people and events as well as custom keywords. Ratings help, too.

Finally, it doesn't keep a death grip on your data. I have mine set up to create daily exports of text files containing my entries and references to links fetched from other services. I'm thinking about creating an Automator workflow to dump all this data into omnioutliner for more permanent storage. I think it might be perfect for you trip.
I second the DayOne suggestion. Easy to use. Password protected. Xan use photo, location, automatically finds/use the weather at your location, tags etc. Also, it syncs between iphone/ipad and mac. And it looks great
I currently use a free journal app, Everyday Timeline. It can automatically import your data— including past data— from Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and Foursquare as separate entries on your timeline. As well as, be configured to backup weekly to Dropbox, Evernote, or email, add a passcode lock, reminders, and offer you a daily question.
MacJournal and Momento, both are my favorite. However, I mostly preferred MacJournal in this regard. Worked very well for me.
(Closing out this thread, since it doesn't relate to Omni or Omni's products.)

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