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Please send feature requests and bug reports via email! Thread Tools Search this Thread Display Modes
We appreciate the feedback that we're getting from everyone, but we wanted to ask a favor.

Feel free to discuss things you'd like to see in OmniOutliner for iPad, problems you're having, and so forth here on the forums, but myself and the other Support Ninjas would really appreciate it if everyone tried extra-hard to send feedback to us via email.

We do what we can to make sure that we get feedback into the system regardless of where it comes from; when we're as busy as we are right now, though, it's very easy for one of those requests to get lost in the shuffle here on the boards. If you want to be absolutely sure your feedback gets recorded, email is the way to go.

If you use the "Contact Omni" item under the menu that appears when you tap the "Omni" button, or send it to us at, it goes straight into our trouble-tracking system, and I can guarantee that the appropriate folks will read it.

We'll handle your feedback in whatever form you send it to us, but here are some guidelines on how folks can make things easier on us:
  • Tell us what version of the OS you have installed on your device. It never hurts to have that info, and some bugs only happen on particular versions of the OS.
  • One issue per email helps us get things into the bug database more easily. That way, we don't have to edit the email as we attach it to multiple items in the bug database. If you have five requests, it's perfectly okay to send five emails.

Thanks for the help, everyone!
Ninjas, please tell me how I can print my outline with new version of OO for iPad and how can I export to text editor, I use Write2, also use ByWord and Simplenote occasionally.

thanks in advance.

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