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New calendar view and calendar syncing question Thread Tools Search this Thread Display Modes
This isn't specifically an Omnifocus question, it applies to all apps that read (or write) to the native device calendar database:

Does it trigger the calendar data to sync?

If I open iCal I often see the whirly network activity monitor spin up signifying that the calendars are being synchronised.

But if Omnifocus (or any other app) is accessing calendar data (presumably through an Apple API) does this this trigger syncing too?

I don't see any network activity on the status bar so I'm assuming the answer is no. It's no hardship to open iCal once a day to get any updates, but it'd be good to know.

In my experience, the calendar data is updated only by the calendar app doing it, based on the settings for when it should do so. If it were otherwise, the calendar-based due reminders wouldn't give out of date notifications as it often does when the due item is changed close to the due time.

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