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64-bit test builds of OmniWeb now available Thread Tools Search this Thread Display Modes
Originally Posted by superhancpetram View Post
Is it just me or did Google Maps stop working? I’ve gone back through a number of previous builds and can’t find one test build that works.
After switching to Safari and activating the “new Google Maps” interface there, I can use the new Google Maps in OW again.
OW seems increasingly stable (I’m on 202575 currently). Are you guys nearing a stable release?
Originally Posted by TimmyDee View Post
OW seems increasingly stable (I’m on 202575 currently). Are you guys nearing a stable release?
I would not say "stable". I still get crashes. Yesterday's build shows some improvements for me (google mail works again), but I already had two crashes with it.

I'm happy with an alpha or beta status as long as there is some progress. In my humble opinion, at this time OW is still pretty far from a product. There's just too many little details not yet working, like ad blocking or better feedback while loading a page.
Originally Posted by TimmyDee View Post
OW seems increasingly stable (I’m on 202575 currently). Are you guys nearing a stable release?
Well, everything so far has eventually crashed, but it’s certainly more stable
than it was at the outset. The most recent release v. 203131 won’t even open for me so there’s still a ways to go. I do enjoy OW so much when I’m using it that I’m willing to stick with it as a test browser for as long as it takes.
Originally Posted by jwthomas View Post
Well, everything so far has eventually crashed, but it’s certainly more stable
than it was at the outset. The most recent release v. 203131 won’t even open for me so there’s still a ways to go. I do enjoy OW so much when I’m using it that I’m willing to stick with it as a test browser for as long as it takes.
Agreed. The most frequent crasher for me is the "SSL handshake failed". That usually pops up when OW is launching and attempting to load a saved tab that's trying to use a secure connection.
Originally Posted by TimmyDee View Post
OW seems increasingly stable (I’m on 202575 currently). Are you guys nearing a stable release?
I made some good progress over my December vacation, but then vacation ended without my managing to resolve that last big stability issue. Perhaps during my next one!
Originally Posted by Ken Case View Post
I made some good progress over my December vacation, but then vacation ended without my managing to resolve that last big stability issue. Perhaps during my next one!
Thank you for the update. Your work is greatly appreciated! And I am grateful for being able to continue using my favourite browser.

And if you don't mind I'd like to repeat my little idea: could you extend the crash reporter in a way that I can copy and paste the crash information into a mail program of my choice? Since I'm running OW all day at work I could produce lots of such reports.
Ken, you’re receiving boatloads of crash reports from me, as I’m trying to break this is every way that I can!

Something I’ve noticed the past few weeks is that I’m having trouble managing my multiple google accounts. I’ve got four, and it likes to pretend that I’m logging into one, only to return me right back to my other account. This occurs even when I log out completely of google, and try to log back in. The login screens say the account I’m trying to log into, but once I do “log in,” it actually puts me into another one of the four.

I tried deleting all google cookies and starting from scratch, but as soon as I have more than one google account set up with logins, it confuses which one I’m logged into. (I wonder if I’ve got a background tab logged in as the wrong account, and the background refreshes keep that session active instead?)

It’s not causing a crash, so I’m posting it here in case anyone else has experienced something similar.

Keep up the great work! OW6 is awesome, and will only get better.
One of our test sites:
has an invalid SSL cert. In firefox, it allows you to bypass the issue/warning, but in OW builds, you get “resource unavailable” with no way around it.
Giving the latest build a whirl. Heaps better than the last build I tried and seems usable as a main browser now. I’m committing myself to trying it out as my full time browser for a week. So far I haven’t had a crash, awesome!

I’ve been having to use Chrome on my work Mac since I updated to Mavericks and it’s been horrible not having OmniWeb :(. Still running OW5 on Mountain Lion on my home computers. Holding out from updating them to Mavericks until OW6 is finished, I can’t live without OW. Thank you so much for these updates!

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