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64-bit test builds of OmniWeb now available Thread Tools Search this Thread Display Modes
Originally Posted by marc View Post
*but to be a discenting voice, please don't take away my tab drawer! ;)
I fully agree with this sentiment!
I'm glad to see that my old favourite browser Omniweb is slowly coming back to life again. I have missed you!
Gave in and updated to ML today in the hopes that I could continue to use OW. Yes! Now I don't have to open Safari to access, other banking sites, and (most importantly) Plex/Web.

Not a crash or slowdown yet, either.

Thanks so much Ken!
Wooo. Now omniweb works with all the websites I couldn't load in it anymore. Now I can finally stop having to periodically switch to safari.

Does the switch to the stock Apple Webkit mean that the pop out editor thingy for textareas won't work anymore? I've noticed that when clicking on the icon for it it no longer opens the editor.

Also, I'm not sure if it's just me, but I can't open the security preference pane in omniweb, it just sits there and says "loading security" in the title bar. Not a really big deal, but it means I can't mass delete cookies.

Thanks for this update! I was worried that OW had been completely abandoned.
Originally Posted by YoshiDan View Post
Also, I'm not sure if it's just me, but I can't open the security preference pane in omniweb, it just sits there and says "loading security" in the title bar. Not a really big deal, but it means I can't mass delete cookies.
I noticed that all four panels under “Global Site Preferences” in the Preference window do not open. I’m assuming this is related to using the system WebKit?

I was trying to change my default UserAgent, since Google Image Search has dumbed down for me, and per-site prefs don’t work yet (for me?).

It’s also possible that my prefs are so old, something is getting hosed up. Otherwise, it’s a Sneaky Peek, and I ain’t gonna complain, cause it’s working amazingly well.
Ah yeah, I've just checked. None of the 4 preference panes under global site preferences will load for me either.

Also just realised that the "type and a link is highlighted" thing doesn't work anymore either. I've switched back to ow 5 for now.
I miss the progress circle, find my self reclicking a button only because the server response is slow because there is no indication the app is "thinking".
Originally Posted by pjb View Post
I miss the progress circle, find my self reclicking a button only because the server response is slow because there is no indication the app is "thinking".
??? The progress circle is unchanged.

If it's missing from your toolbar for whatever reason, just add it again.
It is there, it just doesn't move like it did. There's a little movement, then a long pause, then it goes again as the window starts drawing. The process pane shows continuing ongoing background activity while the main browser window is silent.
Another vote for keeping the tab drawer.

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