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Flagged perspective Thread Tools Search this Thread Display Modes
The behaviour of the flagged perspective on the Mac seems different from that on iOS. I can't resolve the difference by using the filters; it seems more subtle than that.

On the iPad, a flagged task that is not the next action in a sequential project shows up in the flagged perspective. However, if the task has a start date in the future, then it won't show up in the flagged perspective.

On the Mac I can set the flagged perspective either to show or not to show tasks that are not available, but it seems that I cannot make the distinction between tasks that have future starting dates and those that are not next action in a sequence. Thus I cannot guarantee that my list of flagged items on the Mac will be the same on the iPad.

I feel as if I have to perform some mental gymnastics to move between platforms. Am I mistaken?
Originally Posted by OmniChris View Post
The behaviour of the flagged perspective on the Mac seems different from that on iOS. I can't resolve the difference by using the filters; it seems more subtle than that.
Yes - I think I raised this as a bug (against the iPhone version) with Omni.

I want flagged to mean "Things I'd like to do today" (as opposed to due which means there's an external deadline).

As such I have tonnes (i.e. hundreds) of repeating flagged items with a future start and no due for relatively trivial things that wink into existence days, weeks or months in the future.

Obviously on the Mac my Flagged perspective just shows me flagged and available tasks - maybe 5 or 10 items I plan to do that day.

On the iPhone however - It shows me EVERYTHING that's flagged, hundreds of items I don't need to attend to making it useless.

I've synced over my own flagged perspective to the iPhone but the built in one I never use still sits there taking up a prime slot at the top. Mocking me.
I've been experimenting with this, see the attached structure, next to each item/project I have SHOWS/DOESN'T to indicate whether the Mac flagged item appears in the iPhone flagged view.

The surprises start down at 7 (a project structure I happen to use a lot). Tasks 7-2 and 7-3 are unavailable and shouldn't show up, but they do, whereas other unavailable tasks do not.

It looks like I was wrong, it's not that unavailability due to date that's a problem in the iPhone perspective, it's the unavailability due to structure is broken.

In short, there's no way to recreate the iPhone version of the flagged perspective on the iMac, it's doing something weird that doesn't fully map onto the Mac definition of "Availability".
Attached Thumbnails
Click image for larger version

Name:	FlaggedWierdness.jpg
Views:	1555
Size:	156.8 KB
ID:	2982  
I have a similar problem with flags in OmniFocus.

On the mac if I set a project to sequential and then flag the project (the actual project, not the individual tasks), the flagged view only shows the first task, which is the available task. If I finish that task and mark it done, the next task, already flagged, appears in the flagged perspective. Brilliant.

But on the iPhone this isn't the case (as far as I can tell). Under that same scenario when I use the flagged perspective, every single task in that flagged project appears. I thought I could change the 'view' to show only the available flagged tasks in that project, but I don't think that's possible.

So, either I'm missing something in either how flagging on the iPhone works or the philosophy behind this situation, or Omnigroup has decided that the iPhone and Mac apps should behave differently.

And given that they've already shipped the new iPhone app, which I generally like, and have moved on to the long awaited Mac app, I'm guessing this situation isn't going to change.
Originally Posted by jakeg View Post
So, either I'm missing something in either how flagging on the iPhone works or the philosophy behind this situation, or Omnigroup has decided that the iPhone and Mac apps should behave differently.

And given that they've already shipped the new iPhone app, which I generally like, and have moved on to the long awaited Mac app, I'm guessing this situation isn't going to change.
Just tested the situation with the ipad version. Flagged items unavailable because they're blocked by others in a sequential project are greyed out whereas items with a future start don't show.

I'm assuming it's a bug in the iPhone/iPad version (and have reported it to Omni) since this breaks the definition on "availability" and just seems illogical to me.

There doesn't seem to be any value in having flagged perspectives work differently across all the platforms as it just causes confusion for people that have both OSX and iOS - or at least us...

Last edited by psidnell; 2014-03-03 at 12:28 AM..

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