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Scroll bar covers notes icons Thread Tools Search this Thread Display Modes
At least on my system, when I scroll through a list I get a scrollbar along the right edge of the window. This allows clicking with a mouse rather that gesture or wheel-based scrolling.

That scrollbar appears directly on top of the far right column where the notes icons are, making those icons impossible to select. Clicking just scrolls the view and doesn't select the icon.

Bug? Planning a fix in 2.0?

I'm running 10.9.2 on a 15" MacBook Pro/Retina with an additional external monitor attached.
The scrollbar-over-the-right-side-contents is a system-wide issue. It's really for Apple to fix, not Omni (afaict). Of course, if Apple doesn't fix it (and they may have — I haven't jumped into Mavericks yet), Omni might consider changing how they use that right-most space of the window.

I try to remember to use the "Show/Hide Note" keyboard shortcut: ⌘'

That's a system setting: Under "General", change the option for "Display scroll bar" to "always". (my translation from a German Mavericks).

HTH: Franz-Josef

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