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I have a dream… that someday there won’t be a release of OmniWeb 6 that won’t crash. [r209448+?] Thread Tools Search this Thread Display Modes
Any chance of it? I like the features but it gets frustrating that it crashes so much, especially with Facebook. I’m not going anywhere, I’ve been using OmniWeb for 20 years but the number of times I need to use Safari is getting greater and greater.
I know of what you speak, but (cross fingers) r206803 has been solid for me for a few days now.
I think your dream may finally be a reality with r209448 (and later).

Since r209448, I've only seen two crashes reported: one with closing a window that was in the process of loading a PDF page, and one with trying to pick a folder for the Local HTTP Server. (Prior to r209448, we were seeing hundreds of crash reports a day.)

Try it out, and let me know what you find!

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