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Handles Disappear after Paste Thread Tools Search this Thread Display Modes
Hello All,

When pasting into OmniOutliner, whether internally (copy/paste a row) or externally (another source --> OO), the row handle does not display despite the document being set to "Always show the row handle." In other words it changes "Always show the row handle" to "Show the handle on mouseover" for just the pasted text. The other rows are not affected, and display their handles appropriately.

Can someone lend me a helping hand(le)? (I know, I'm swimming in cheese)


Edit: I should mention that this occurs only when I highlight a row and paste. If I select inside the row to reveal the cursor, and then paste, the handle display is not affected.

Last edited by pguilly; 2014-04-23 at 07:37 AM..
When you select the row that is hiding the handle and look at the Style Attributes inspector (the last one on the right), what heading do you see the "row draw handles" attributes listed under?
it reads "always"
Could you send in an OmniOutliner document showing this issue please?

sent over an email. thank you.

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