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Feature Request: Full properties in the quick entry box Thread Tools Search this Thread Display Modes
The quick entry box allows me to add a project and context. If I'm going to take the time to add a project and context, I want to add a start date, due date, and duration too.

If I'm just dashing off a note to sort later, I don't need or want the project or context entry options.

Its an all or nothing thing. It doesn't seem to make a lot of sense to offer project and context without start/due/ duration as well.
furthermore, it isn't very GTD to beforced to re-visit it in the inbox later to assign dates. I only want to touch it once. If i've fully filled it out in the quick entry, i can breeze over it in the inbox without touching it and watch it disappear with "clean up".
I find having Projects available to be useful. The times when I use Quick Entry the most is when I'm in other applications, and whatever I'm doing triggered a memory of something I need to do in this or another project. Nine times out of ten, I know where it needs to go, but I don't want to bring up the full OF app and place the task manually--I'm in the middle of something else. Might as well just jot it down with where it goes and forget it. I often don't add context at that point; I certainly would not want to mess with dates and estimated duration. The option to flag is nice.

All of that said, you don't actually have to fill out any of this, other than the task itself. Just leave them empty and process them later if that is what you want to do.
I know I don't have to use project and context.... but I've I'm going to I would like to be able to add dates and duration, so I don't have to revisit it later...
I second the idea of having an "end date" field in the quick entry panel. Often, when some request comes along, I may not yet know what project it relates to (or whether it's a project of its own), nor where to do it, but boy do I know the deadline ;-)

It might be useful, too, to allow users to insert the contents of the clipboard as a note. Of course, this can always be done in AppleScript or as a Service.

Speaking of which, are OF services on the Group's radar?


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