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Sync tasks with due-dates to iCal-calendar? [See "Replacing Calendar Sync" thread.] Thread Tools Search this Thread Display Modes
Well, subject more or less says it all. There should at least be on option (if not even a default) to move tasks with a set due-date to the calendar, away from iCals task-pane. For me, this would be the most important advantage of being able to sync with iCal: iCals calendar(s) will give me a complete overview of all due-dates for any given day. Currently I also must have an eye on the task-pane which otherwise I never waste any screen estate on showing.


Last edited by tkaufmann; 2007-11-04 at 02:57 PM..
I agree that a way to move tasks to the calendar is needed, but I'd like some control over which tasks remain tasks and which become events. A script might be better.
Originally Posted by pjb View Post
I agree that a way to move tasks to the calendar is needed, but I'd like some control over which tasks remain tasks and which become events. A script might be better.
While I'm happy too find some support, my intention was not to turn this into an overly complicated feature. May be a per-calendar-option would be a good compromise?

Off-topic: I still can't see a reason to use iCals task pane. Why should I?


Last edited by tkaufmann; 2007-11-05 at 05:27 AM..
Originally Posted by tkaufmann View Post
Well, subject more or less says it all. There should at least be on option (if not even a default) to move tasks with a set due-date to the calendar, away from iCals task-pane. For me, this would be the most important advantage of being able to sync with iCal: iCals calendar(s) will give me a complete overview of all due-dates for any given day. Currently I also must have an eye on the task-pane which otherwise I never waste any screen estate on showing.

yeah, i just started playing with the ical sync and so far don't see any reason to use it unless dated actions can show up on the duedate -- right now i do this manually (adding due dates as all-day events to a Deadlines calendar) and i was hoping ical sync would do this automatically if i put due dates on actions in OF. otherwise, yeah, what's the point? if dated actions can't be in the same place as appointments then they might as well stay in OF..
Along these lines, what I would find most useful is syncing items with due dates with iCal on a per-project basis. Syncing by context makes perfect sense for the task list, but for the calendar/deadline view, I'd really rather have a calendar per project. That lets me color-code due items.

So I'm adding my vote for putting items with due-dates into the calendar portion of iCal. But I'd also really like to control which projects populate the calendar. (And, ideally, I'd like to control which calendar(s) they get added to, on a per-project or per-project-folder basis.)

I don't have anything more to add, but just want to pile on - I have been hoping for such a feature back in kGTD days. I don't know if there are technical issues associated with this, but wouln't OF better conform to orthdox GTD if tasks with specific dates were placed in the calendar?
Originally Posted by davidk View Post
I don't have anything more to add, but just want to pile on - I have been hoping for such a feature back in kGTD days. I don't know if there are technical issues associated with this, but wouln't OF better conform to orthdox GTD if tasks with specific dates were placed in the calendar?
I would also like to have a feature with scheduled events placed in the calendar, not in the task bar of iCal.
What would the start and end time of the events be on the calendar? Or would they be all-day events?
Originally Posted by Ken Case View Post
What would the start and end time of the events be on the calendar? Or would they be all-day events?
I for one would like to keep the tasks as tasks and only schedule those tasks from iCal into scheduled events as I see fit. It's easy to drag a task item from the task pane to calendar pane to create an event within iCal, and this is what I do each day to schedule my tasks. In terms of scheduling, I think this makes more sense than having an all-day event show up from OF.

If OF has an ability to set start and end time for each task, then I think this might be one way to transfer those items that have start time/end time into iCal calendar and those items that do not sync to the task pane.

Just a thought.
Originally Posted by Ken Case View Post
What would the start and end time of the events be on the calendar? Or would they be all-day events?
Thanks for asking Ken. I think it would be fine to make them all-day events. It seems kind of cumbersome to have times added to OF.

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