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Omni Focus as a Journal Thread Tools Search this Thread Display Modes
I have looked for this, but haven't found an answer here.
Is there a way to use Focus as a journal? This is a variation on the question that someone else asked about how to view recently completed items. While I was able to get that to work, my question is slightly different.

I would like to be able to generate a text file (or even a view) that lists completed items by date. I don't want this list to update. I just want a listing of each day with a list of what was done on that day.

Is this possible?
As of now, I can only get Focus to list completed tasks as done Today, Yesterday or Last week, etc.
I would like to see it listed by date. Is there a way to do this, or can it be added as a feature?
Ideally, I would like to have a daily text file listing what I have completed so that I could annotate it with some details.
You could export your database, and process it in any number of ways.
I think this would be an extremely useful feature.

Although the focus of the product is to get things done, I find it extremely helpful to track what was done each day. I see no reason to keep a separate journal if the information is already there.

Originally Posted by yucca View Post
You could export your database, and process it in any number of ways.
To expand on Yucca's useful tip: use the CSV export, then open up in Excel, Numbers, or any other spreadsheet/database program that can handle CSV-formatted data. You can then sort, filter, and annotate to your heart's content.
That sounds worth a try.

I still hope that they add a filter that makes it possible to view completed tasks by date, not just by "Today", "Yesterday" and "Last Week".


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