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OmniPlan 1.5.1 rc 1 Released! Thread Tools Search this Thread Display Modes
OmniPlan 1.5.1 rc 1 is now available and is a free update for existing OmniPlan 1.x owners. Thanks to all your feedback, we're inching closer to the final release! By now, you've probably already updated to OmniPlan 1.5 but if you haven't and you're on Mac OS X Leopard, we highly recommend that you do so as soon as possible.

Some highlights of this version include fixes for a horizontal scrolling bug in the gantt chart with a Mighty Mouse or trackpad, a leveling bug dealing with resources whose efficiency were not set to 100%, and filtering for blank values in custom data columns is now supported. We've also addressed an issue with AppleScript where OmniPlan's custom window properties were always returning "missing value" when displaying the task view and "Task columns" were returning "missing value" regardless of what view was displayed. They return the appropriate value now. If you are experiencing any issues in rc 1, please let us know as soon as possible.

This version also includes a lot of bug fixes and enhancements (far too many to list here). To learn more about the changes in 1.5.1 rc 1, please see the release notes for more details!

Please keep in mind that this release is still under development. Your feedback will help us improve the software, and we apologize if it breaks your computer, corrupts your files, and ruins your weekend. A more stable release is also available. As always, please let us know if you have any questions or comments. You can contact us directly via our support page or by using the Send Feedback feature in your copy of OmniPlan.

For current 1.5 users, you can use our nifty new software updater to download and install the new beta. For everyone else, go here to download the rc!

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