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Does iTunes 'backup' process during sync preserve OmniFocus data? [A: Yep!] Thread Tools Search this Thread Display Modes
Is the OF data on my iPad backed up when syncing my iPad with my Mac? I'm not talking about syncing OF data specifically - just a normal iPad sync using iTunes. I want to be sure my OF data resides somewhere else besides just the iPad.

Thanks for any insight you can provide,

It appears to be, judging from what happened after I did a restore the other day, but maybe one of the Omni folks will chime in on that.

If you want to back up the data from your iPad for some reason, you can plug it in like you are going to sync, go to the Apps tab in iTunes, scroll to the bottom, select OmniFocus, and then save the OmniFocus.ofocus file it contains to your Mac, suitably named. Then you could put it back on the iPad without having to do the whole restore procedure, and avoid disturbing any other apps you had which stored their own data. I think you can even do it on a Mac that isn't the one you normally sync with, but I'm not positive.
Thanks for the reply, whpalmer4. I hope you're right about the auto-backup during iPad sync. I'm aware of the manual method, but it'd be nice to know it's done automatically. Hopefully, one of the OG folks can confirm.


If you're just trying to have the data be somewhere else, why not get a free Omni Sync Server account and set up syncing? That will probably result in a more timely backup than relying on iTunes syncing, because OmniFocus will attempt to sync a minute after each change you make.
I might have to consider something like that when I become more mobile in the near future. I wonder if there are plans to have OF work with iCloud. In fact I wonder why Omni created their own service instead of taking advantage of iCloud. Maybe iCloud was not available at the time?

Whichever service I use, I will read the privacy policy thoroughly. I keep some sensitive information in OF, and while I want to have my data in more than one place, I certainly don't want it in too many places - especially ones over which I have no control.

The Omni Sync Server predates iCloud, and also works with devices that don't work with iCloud. It's just a standard WebDAV server.

You could also run a WebDAV server on your Mac (there's one built in, though it takes a bit of configuration) and sync with that. OmniFocus for Mac automates this process, but isn't necessary if you're not afraid of getting your hands dirty. It would only work when you are on your home network, unless you go to more effort, but it doesn't sound like that is an issue for you at the moment.
Originally Posted by whpalmer4 View Post
You could also run a WebDAV server on your Mac (there's one built in, though it takes a bit of configuration)....
Thanks for the info. That's something I've never checked out. Perhaps it's time to research and explore.

Originally Posted by Shotster View Post
Is the OF data on my iPad backed up when syncing my iPad with my Mac? I'm not talking about syncing OF data specifically - just a normal iPad sync using iTunes.
Yes, OmniFocus data is backed up along with your other iPad documents and data.
Originally Posted by Ken Case View Post
Yes, OmniFocus data is backed up along with your other iPad documents and data.
Great! Thanks, Ken.


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