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Feature request: setting the flag through keyboard Thread Tools Search this Thread Display Modes
Hi There,

I have a request. Each time I enter a new task I am using the tab to move through the text field but I have to use the mouse to check the flag. Could we have the possibility to move through all fields (not only text fields) using the tab key and check them using the space bar?

Originally Posted by BwanaZulia View Post
Shift + Command + L


Ah. Cool thanks!

Though after thinking about it, I think it would still be more intuitive to be able to tab through it and selecting/unselecting it with the space bar when adding a new action. One would tab anyway to move through the text fields.


Originally Posted by esciara View Post
Ah. Cool thanks!

Though after thinking about it, I think it would still be more intuitive to be able to tab through it and selecting/unselecting it with the space bar when adding a new action. One would tab anyway to move through the text fields.
My guess is that it's because command-shift-L is the command to flag and unflag messages in, so it brings more user interface consistency over the operating system.
Originally Posted by brianogilvie View Post
My guess is that it's because command-shift-L is the command to flag and unflag messages in, so it brings more user interface consistency over the operating system.
True and good. But having both ways of toggling the flag makes sense to me. There is ample precedent for multiple shortcuts in OF. (For example, 'r' and Cmd-].)

I actually submitted a feature request for the tab+space behavior about a month ago. It is what I expect for consistency with check-box columns in OmniOutliner.

I agree that both would be ideal. I find myself tabbing and spacing in vain even though I know how to get that action flagged.
It should work that way for consistency's sake, it's one of the Mac's UI givens. Especially if you have 'Tabbing between all controls' enabled in your keyboard preferences. Even if you know the shortcuts, you're in tab-and-enter-data mode while using QE, and it's jarring that tabbing doesn't work to toggle the flag or the note.
It would be fabulous to have single-key shortcuts for some of these features. Since "escape" toggles between edit and navigation modes*, when you're in navigation mode it would be nice to be able to just type "f" -- not Command-F -- to toggle flag status on the selected item(s).

*Omni may have a formal term for this; if so, please let me know.
I can set the flag with the keyboard command if OmniFocus is the active application, but it’s not working if I'm using the quick entry window while another application is active.

Am I missing something? It’s a pain to do this with the mouse to trackpad every time.
@rmathes: It works for me in the quick entry window, also from other apps.

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