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sp10: page rendering problems Thread Tools Search this Thread Display Modes
Tables are rendered incorrectly on many pages in sp10. In many instances, the page is drawn far too wider than it needs to be. This happens with Yahoo on occasion and with gmail.

With, search results are indented so far to the right that they are off the page.

The same problem happens with some pages of my Washington Mutual online payment system.
Does it or does it not occur in WebKit too? Can you provide links to somewhere that it happens.
Originally Posted by JKT
Does it or does it not occur in WebKit too? Can you provide links to somewhere that it happens.
It was NOT happening in sp9!! Let's, see. go to and search for any software. Try "ftp" as a search string to guarantee a long list of results. In my case, the results are practically off the screen, instead of the middle column. Same thing happens with my Washington Mutual banking pages. (I can't offer those links, alas.)

With gmail, in my message view window, the subjects of the messages in my inbox are no longer confined to the borders defined by the table. They overflow well beyond the page.

When is sp11 du? Man, sp10 is a major step backward from sp9.

Oh, yes. The page borders go WAY beyond the table's border's.

Originally Posted by philonous
Oh, yes. The page borders go WAY beyond the table's border's.

Same issue in Safari and WebKit.
Originally Posted by Forrest
Same issue in Safari and WebKit.
No. It is rendered correctly in my version of Safari.

Originally Posted by philonous
No. It is rendered correctly in my version of Safari.

I've got Version 2.0.3 (417.9.2), which version do you have? Is it working fine in WebKit too, for you?
Maybe its my window size (I browse full screen), but neither of those two web sites exhibit any problems for me in sp10. Even if I reduce the window size post-render. Can you post a screen grab that demos the issue?
before I do that, can you go to the yahoo finance site and reload the page a few times? my monitor is fairly wide and I get the horizontal scroll bar, but only sometimes.
have attached the caps of the problems I am seeing. With Y! finance, it does seem to be a sort of random problem. Reloading toggles into and out of the problem.

With gmail, I have one resource that never seems to finish loading. Maybe I should kill all my old OW preferences and start over? Or, is sp11 around the corner?

Click image for larger version

Name:	gmail.jpg
Views:	1454
Size:	37.0 KB
ID:	31

Click image for larger version

Name:	Yfinance.jpg
Views:	1500
Size:	35.2 KB
ID:	32I

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