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Suggestion: Hot-link URLs Thread Tools Search this Thread Display Modes
My company using an online defect tracking system, and I dutifully dump those tasks into OF for easy handling, and put the URL for that task into the Notes field.

While it's admittedly a very small issue, it would be a nice time-saver if those URLs were clickable, thus saving me the need to select the text and then either run a service or copy/paste it into my browser.
My URLs are clickable, are yours not? Try opening the notes field and pressing enter, see if it turns into a link?
Nifty, that did it.

Seems that if I use an AppleScript to dump a task into my inbox, the links come in un-clickable, but once I expand the notes via the interface and "enter" out of 'em, they're clickable.
You can create clickable links via AppleScript, it's just a bit more involved. Here's a snippet of code from my (soon to be unnecessary) Mail capture script. This snippet was based on Omni's clipping code.

tell theTask
	set note to return & return
	tell note
		set theURL to "message://<" & message_id & ">"
		set linkText to theURL
		insert linkText at before first character
		set value of attribute "link" of style of paragraph 1 to theURL
		insert message_content at before last character
	end tell
end tell

Originally Posted by iNik View Post
Nifty, that did it.

Seems that if I use an AppleScript to dump a task into my inbox, the links come in un-clickable, but once I expand the notes via the interface and "enter" out of 'em, they're clickable.
The link-ification of textual URLs should happen going through the scripting interface, so if you have a case where you have to muck with it in the UI to get it to link-ify, please post a script and/or send it to the feedback address. This should be a one-line fix if I just know where to put the line... =)
CTO, The Omni Group

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