OmniGraffle style are very useful, but for code-generated diagrams I need so save, edit and choose between named sets of settings (styles, in short) which go beyond the scope of the built-in styles.
Here, as a curiosity, and just in case others need to do anything similar, is a sketch of a way of maintaining such a set of styles in a plist file inside a script bundle. (There may well be simpler and more unix-like routes to the same thing - flat text files, for example :-)
(Note that the code needs to be saved as an .scptd bundle, rather than as a simple .scpt file).
Here, as a curiosity, and just in case others need to do anything similar, is a sketch of a way of maintaining such a set of styles in a plist file inside a script bundle. (There may well be simpler and more unix-like routes to the same thing - flat text files, for example :-)
(Note that the code needs to be saved as an .scptd bundle, rather than as a simple .scpt file).
property pPlistPath : (POSIX path of (path to me)) & "Contents/Styles.plist" property pLeft : 1 property pCentre : 2 property pRight : 3 property pTop : 4 property pBottom : 5 -- Arbitrary set of key-value pairs, which will become -- the property names and property values of a custom style object -- variants of which can be serialized as entries in a plist file property plstDefaults : {¬ {"NumbersVisible", true}, ¬ {"AlignVert", pCentre}, ¬ {"AlignHoriz", pLeft}, ¬ {"XYOffset", {-0.15, -0.15}}, ¬ {"XYSize", {0.25, 0.25}}, ¬ {"NumFontName", "Gill Sans"}, ¬ {"NumFontColor", "Dark Gray"}, ¬ {"NumFontSize", 14}, ¬ {"LineColor", "Red"}, ¬ {"LineWeight", 2} ¬ } property pstrStyleEdit : "Edit current style" property pstrStyleDelete : "Delete current style" property plstStyleOps : {pstrStyleEdit, pstrStyleDelete} property pstrBar : "_____________" property pstrOther : "Continue" on run tell sPlistStyles Initialize(plstDefaults, pPlistPath) -- Check that this script is in a bundle, and that we have a plist with at least a default style set blnEsc to false repeat while blnEsc = false -- GET DEFINITION OF CURRENT STYLE AS AS STRING set strSummary to GetSummary() -- AND GET LIST OF AVAILABLE STYLES set lstStyles to GetStyleNames() -- AND INCLUDE STYLE OPERATIONS IN MENU set lstMenu to lstStyles & {pstrBar} & plstStyleOps & {pstrBar} & {pstrOther} tell application id "sevs" activate set varChoice to choose from list lstMenu with prompt strSummary with title "Diagram style" end tell if varChoice = false then return set varChoice to first item of varChoice -- EITHER EDIT/DELETE THE CURRENT STYLE if varChoice is in plstStyleOps then if varChoice = pstrStyleEdit then EditStyle(strSummary) -- TO CREATE A NEW STYLE, EDIT THE NAME OF ANY EXISTING STYLE. else if varChoice = pstrStyleDelete then DeleteCurrentStyle() end if else -- OR CHOOSE A DIFFERENT STYLE if varChoice is in lstStyles then ChooseStyle(varChoice) else -- OR MOVE ON TO OTHER MATTERS, USING THE CURRENT STYLE if varChoice = pstrOther then set blnEsc to true end if end if end repeat set oStyle to GetStyle() end tell -- e.g. LineColor of oStyle end run script sPlistStyles property pSettingsPath : "" property pDefaults : {} on Initialize(lstKeyValueDefaults, strPlistPath) if IsBundle() then set my pSettingsPath to strPlistPath set pDefaults to lstKeyValueDefaults if FileExists(pSettingsPath) of sPlistStyles then -- Try to get the default values from the plist ChooseStyle("Default") of sPlistStyles set blnFound to (count of (KeyValuePairs of my sCurrentStyle)) > 0 else set blnFound to false end if if not blnFound then tell my sCurrentStyle set its KeyValuePairs to pDefaults my StoreKeyValueSet(StyleName of it, its KeyValuePairs, pSettingsPath) end tell end if else error "Script not saved in .scptd bundle format." end if end Initialize on GetSummary() tell my sCurrentStyle set strStyleName to StyleName of it "CURRENT STYLE: \"" & strStyleName & "\"" & return & my List2Lines(KeyValuePairs of it, "") end tell end GetSummary on GetStyle() Settings() of my sCurrentStyle end GetStyle on ChooseStyle(strChoice) set varPairs to ReadKeyValueSet(strChoice, pSettingsPath) tell my sCurrentStyle if varPairs is missing value then set KeyValuePairs of it to pDefaults else set KeyValuePairs of it to varPairs end if set oStyleObject of it to missing value set StyleName of it to strChoice end tell end ChooseStyle on DeleteCurrentStyle() set strStyleName to StyleName of my sCurrentStyle if strStyleName ≠ "Default" then DeleteKeyValueSet(strStyleName, pSettingsPath) tell my sCurrentStyle set KeyValuePairs of it to my pDefaults set oStyleObject of it to missing value set StyleName of it to "Default" end tell end if end DeleteCurrentStyle on IsBundle() if IsFolder(POSIX path of (path to me)) then return true else tell application id "sevs" activate display dialog "This script must be saved as a script bundle." & return & return & ¬ "(.scptd rather than .scpt)" with title "Wrong script file format" buttons {"OK"} default button "OK" end tell return false end if end IsBundle -- Note: the Finder's exists() function can not see inside the (script) bundle on FileExists(strPath) (do shell script ("test -e " & quoted form of strPath & "; echo $?")) = "0" end FileExists on IsFolder(strPath) (do shell script ("test -d " & quoted form of strPath & "; echo $?")) = "0" end IsFolder script sCurrentStyle property StyleName : "Default" property KeyValuePairs : {} property oStyleObject : missing value on Settings() if oStyleObject is missing value then set oStyleObject to MakeObject() of sPlistStyles return oStyleObject end Settings end script on MakeObject() set strScript to "script" & return repeat with oPair in KeyValuePairs of sCurrentStyle set {strKey, varValue} to oPair set cClass to class of varValue if cClass is text then set strValue to quote & varValue & quote else if cClass is list then if length of varValue > 0 then set str to "{" repeat with i from 1 to length of varValue set str to str & item i of varValue & ", " end repeat set strValue to (text 1 thru -3 of str) & "}" else set strValue to "{}" end if else set strValue to varValue end if set strScript to strScript & "property " & strKey & ": " & strValue & return end repeat set strScript to (strScript & "end script") run script strScript end MakeObject on GetStyleNames() set lstNames to ListKeyValueSets(pSettingsPath) set my text item delimiters to linefeed set lstNames to paragraphs of (do shell script "echo " & quoted form of (lstNames as text) & " | sort") set my text item delimiters to space lstNames end GetStyleNames -- Add a named list of key-value pairs to the PLIST file with the specified path (creating the PLIST file if needed) on StoreKeyValueSet(strSetName, KeyValuePairs, strPlistPath) set oPlist to GetPlistFile(strPlistPath) tell application id "sevs" tell contents of oPlist tell property list items of contents of (make new property list item at end of property list items with properties {kind:record, name:strSetName}) repeat with i from 1 to length of KeyValuePairs set {strKey, varValue} to item i of KeyValuePairs make new property list item at end with properties {name:strKey, value:varValue} end repeat end tell end tell end tell end StoreKeyValueSet -- Delete (if it exists) the named list of key-value pairs from the PLIST file with the specified path on DeleteKeyValueSet(strSetName, strPlistPath) if FileExists(strPlistPath) then set oPlist to GetPlistFile(strPlistPath) tell application id "sevs" tell contents of contents of oPlist if (count of (property list items where name = strSetName)) > 0 then set strDomain to text 1 thru -7 of strPlistPath -- remove .plist extension do shell script "defaults delete " & quoted form of strDomain & space & quoted form of strSetName end if end tell end tell else WarnNoPlist(strPlistPath) end if end DeleteKeyValueSet -- Read if it exists the named list of key-value pairs from the PLIST file with the specified path on ReadKeyValueSet(strSetName, strPlistPath) if FileExists(strPlistPath) then set oPlist to GetPlistFile(strPlistPath) tell application id "sevs" tell contents of contents of oPlist set refMatches to a reference to (property list items where name = strSetName) if (count of refMatches) > 0 then set {lstName, lstValue} to {name, value} of (property list items of (first item of refMatches)) repeat with i from 1 to length of lstName set item i of lstName to {item i of lstName, item i of lstValue} end repeat return lstName else return missing value end if end tell end tell else WarnNoPlist(strPlistPath) end if end ReadKeyValueSet -- Get a list of any named sets of key-value pairs in the PLIST file with the specified path on ListKeyValueSets(strPlistPath) if FileExists(strPlistPath) then set oPlist to GetPlistFile(strPlistPath) tell application id "sevs" to return name of (property list items of contents of contents of oPlist) -- returns a list else WarnNoPlist(strPlistPath) end if end ListKeyValueSets on WarnNoPlist(strPlistPath) tell application id "sevs" activate display alert "PLIST file not found: " & return & return & strPlistPath end tell return false end WarnNoPlist on GetPlistFile(strPathName) tell application id "sevs" if my FileExists(strPathName) then return property list file strPathName else set oDict to make new property list item with properties {kind:record} return (make new property list file with properties {contents:oDict, name:strPathName}) end if end tell end GetPlistFile on EditStyle(strSummary) tell application id "sevs" activate set varNew to display dialog "(To create a new style, edit the name of the current style) Edit settings:" default answer strSummary with title pstrStyleEdit set strEdited to text returned of varNew end tell -- Convert the edited lines back to a list of pairs set lstSettings to Lines2List(strEdited) -- assign the list of pairs back to the class and clear oStyleObject if length of lstSettings > 0 then set lstPairs to items 2 thru -1 of lstSettings tell my sCurrentStyle set KeyValuePairs of it to lstPairs set oStyleObject of it to missing value set strStyleName to item 2 of first item of lstSettings set StyleName of it to strStyleName end tell StoreKeyValueSet(strStyleName, lstPairs, pSettingsPath) end if end EditStyle on List2Lines(KeyValuePairs, strPrefix) set str to "" repeat with oPair in KeyValuePairs set {strKey, varValue} to oPair set cClass to class of varValue if cClass is text then set strValue to quote & varValue & quote else if cClass is list then set strValue to ListAsString(varValue) else set strValue to varValue end if set str to str & strPrefix & strKey & ": " & strValue & linefeed end repeat do shell script "echo " & quoted form of str & " | sort " end List2Lines on Lines2List(strLines) set lstLines to paragraphs of strLines if (count of lstLines) < 1 then return {} repeat while last item of lstLines = "" set lstLines to items 1 thru -2 of lstLines end repeat set my text item delimiters to ": " set lst to {} repeat with i from 1 to length of lstLines set lstPair to text items of item i of lstLines if length of lstPair = 2 then set item 2 of lstPair to run script item 2 of lstPair set end of lst to lstPair end if end repeat lst end Lines2List on ListAsString(varValue) if length of varValue > 0 then set str to "{" repeat with i from 1 to length of varValue set str to str & item i of varValue & ", " end repeat (text 1 thru -3 of str) & "}" else "{}" end if end ListAsString end script
Last edited by RobTrew; 2011-05-24 at 10:28 AM.. Reason: draft .006 Simplified - plist functions grouped in one class