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Toggle all project notes Thread Tools Search this Thread Display Modes
I would like to be able to toggle project (header) notes ON within the project view. My goal is to 'Collapse All' but keep the notes displayed under the project headers. Then I can print a quick summary status report by Project and not have to display any detail (tasks and subtasks). Any way to do this other then exposing each note one by one?
Select All, Cmd-' (to toggle notes), Left Arrow (to collapse project headers)

If you have grouping turned on, you'll need another Right Arrow press to expand the groups.

(If you aren't a keyboard aficionado, there are menu commands for all of those.)

Is there a way to force notes to always be expanded, or at least default to expanded until closed?
There's this hidden preference setting (paste into Terminal):

defaults write com.omnigroup.OmniFocus ExpandRowsByDefault -bool true
I haven't tried it myself, so I'm not sure if it works on the notes field or only on section headers.

Looks like it doesn't expand notes. Thanks for trying, though!
Originally Posted by nateswart View Post
Looks like it doesn't expand notes. Thanks for trying, though!
Back from the past... is there any way to accomplish this? I'd like to have all views default to "expanding all notes" and "collapse row text when not editing".
There is a feature request open on this, but hasn't gotten too many votes. Interested parties should email our support ninjas and ask to be attached to the request. (We generally prioritize our work around the most-requested changes, all other things being equal.)
Is there a shortcut for the Notes button or a way to toggle whether notes will get expanded or stay collapsed by default ?

Toggling all notes does not seem to "stick". I am regularly going back to re-expand them, and am always wary that I am going to miss content buried in the notes. It feels almost like OF "wants" them to be hidden as a default. Please add some way of making the notes more visible without having to manually show them.
Fmenard, see my post in the thread I'm about to move your post to. :-)

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