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Legal numbering Thread Tools Search this Thread Display Modes
Hi everyone,

Once again I dream of using a legal numbering or at least an auto numbering of boxes in my graffles.

Any clues? ( I know of the "Number selection" script and it's not what I am looking for )


In order to progress on this idea ( legal numbering )

I'd like to know:

Could it be possible to get a "key" value from an omnigraffle or omniplan item in a way in an omnioutliner "column"?

If the objects "ID" from one soft could be exported to the same "ID" value in an other soft ( example form OO to OG ) we could dynamically exchange info from one soft to the other through applescript.

Is it totally weird?

My destination would be a script like " take the legal number from OO object whose ID is "xx" and append it in the first line of the text of the object whose ID is "xx" in OG"

My goal is to visualize legally numbered structured documents from OO as a diagram with the same numberings in OG.

Last edited by mattao; 2011-08-01 at 04:34 PM..
Mattao, you may want to email this question to the support ninjas. We spend as much time on the forums as we're able to on top of our other duties, but given that we released a new version of OmniPlan this week and Lion also came out, we haven't had as much time as usual.

In this case, I saw it, but my OmniGraffle-fu isn't as strong as other folks; if you email the ninjas, you're going to get a response from someone more knowledgeable than I...
Ok Brian

Thank you for your reply and advice.

I think these matter can wait, the support nija must have some urgent supporting kung-fu techniques to teach some guys in distress and these one can wait for some time until they got some time to reply.

Thanks again


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