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Continuing numbering using legal outline numbering Thread Tools Search this Thread Display Modes
I have a book outline arranged as a series of numbered chapters within a non-numbered section, like this:

==== toc ====
Section I
1 Chapter 1
1.1 Introduction
1.2 More introduction stuff
2 Chapter 2
2.1 Foo
2.2 Bar
Section II
3 Chapter 3
3.1 What happens here
3.2 And here too
==== toc ====

However, I don't seem to be able to achieve this. When I choose legal numbering for the Chapter titles and their children the numbering resets to 1:

==== toc ====
2.2 Bar
Section II
1 Chapter 3
1.1 What happens here
1.2 And here too
==== toc ====

How do I ensure that the numbering remains continuous through the whole outline? I know it is possible but can't figure out how.

Any guidance much appreciated.

BTW I should mention that the Sections are numbered using Roman numbering.
OK, I think I can see why the numbering may not work the way I want it to. It is rigorously hierarchical. Perhaps another approach could be to take the Sections out of the hierarchy altogether, and just manually number them? Is there a way to insert a string at points in the hierarchy to give the impression of a Section title? Like this:

Chapter 5: more stuff // numbered
5.1 Why use more stuff? // numbered
Section II: Moving on // not numbered
Chapter 6: Advanced techniques // numbered
6.1 Understanding advanced techniques // numbered

Any other solution would be welcome (well, actually, any solution at all).


The numbering in the attachment pic seems to match what you need.
Attached Thumbnails
Click image for larger version

Name:	Screen Shot 2011-08-17 at 4.27.22 PM.png
Views:	1656
Size:	15.7 KB
ID:	1996  

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