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printing gantt chart Thread Tools Search this Thread Display Modes
how to print just the gantt chart in a single page A4 paper? my project duration covers from 4 may 2009 to 15 march 2010 and i couldn't get all of them to appear into 1 page.

or is there any setting, like set print area, like in excel?

First on the main screen, go to View, Gantt Chart, and Scale to Fit Project.

Next go to File , Print. Make sure to click on the arrow to the right of your selected printer so that all of the expanded options are showing.

Under content, you can select whether to print the Gantt alone or the Gantt and outline. Under Dimensions, make it 1 page wide and 1 page high and you are done.

If you want to change page orientation, you have to go to File, Page set up to change to landscape view.
When you do the Print command, there's an OmniPlan section to the print options which allows you to specify whether to print outline, Gantt chart, or both, date ranges, and how many pieces of paper to use, among other things. Type "printing" into the OmniPlan help command for some documentation.
Originally Posted by Stampy74 View Post
First on the main screen, go to View, Gantt Chart, and Scale to Fit Project.

Next go to File , Print. Make sure to click on the arrow to the right of your selected printer so that all of the expanded options are showing.

Under content, you can select whether to print the Gantt alone or the Gantt and outline. Under Dimensions, make it 1 page wide and 1 page high and you are done.

If you want to change page orientation, you have to go to File, Page set up to change to landscape view.
How do you go back to where you where after you do this?
How do you go back to where you where after you do this?
The page orientation, as with other things in the Page Layout panel, is a document property. That is, if you change it and save, the document remembers that setting. So make that change, and then print as described above.

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